twenty seven.

348 5 1

[cassie klein]

A new race weekend rolls around faster than I can keep up with.

As the season progresses, it feels like I'm simply along for the ride as one weekend turns into another. My free time is jam-packed with training sessions, interviews, strategy meetings and extremely long plane flights.

Miami, however, is one of my favourite weekends.

It's not the best track, I know, but there's never a dull moment in Miami: whether it's someone barreling into the gravel or partying a little too hard.

I'm excited for this Grand Prix. I have a good feeling about it - maybe it's because of my success from China, but no matter what it is, I'm going to ride this high for as long as I can.

Mum: Text me when you land please❤️

Cassie Klein: i will<3

I send the text to mum before turning my phone to flight mode, shuffling down in my seat to get comfortable.

I pop in my headphones and pull out my laptop, opening Netflix and searching for Bridgerton. With the new season coming out soon, I seriously need to refresh my knowledge of the series. Luckily I downloaded the episodes before we left so I can watch them during the flight.

I decide to skip straight to season two, feeling as if season one is a waste of my time. The opening credits play.

After a few minutes I'm completely immersed in the show. I forgot how much I love these characters, and how hot they made Anthony this season. Oh, boy.

I'm two episodes in when I'm rudely interrupted.

"Whatcha watching?" A voice rips me from the trance I'm in, causing me to hit the space bar and flick my gaze upwards.

I sigh when I see who it is.

"Nothing, Lando. Just a TV show." I say, scooting in my seat as all of a sudden I'm feeling uncomfortable...

"It looks like it's a good show. You haven't moved in, like, an hour." He says, bracing a hand on the back of my chair as he leans into his hip. "What is it?"

I instinctively pull the screen of my laptop down as he leans forward to get a better look.

"Come on, Cass. If you hide it, it looks worse," He says, reaching forward to try to open it again.

I sigh. Again.

"Fine. It's Bridgerton." I say, opening my screen again.

"Oh. I've heard of that. Is that the one where they're all in those big dresses and they have like 50 siblings?" He asks, appearing to be racking his memory.

I nod.

He stands there for a minute, flicking his gaze between my laptop and me. I clench my jaw.

I know what his eyes are suggesting, but I don't say anything. It's not because I don't want his company. It's because...

Well, the truth is, I'm not sure why I feel so uncomfortable when he's around. Not an unsafe uncomfortable, but a super self aware, conscious of everything I'm feeling type of uncomfortable.

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