twenty one.

390 5 2

[cassie klein]

Partying after a podium win at your home race is something else. In the best way possible.

Arriving at the event felt like I was a celebrity, camera flashes flooding my vision as I stepped out of the car. I could barely navigate through the crowd, needing one of the security guards to part the mass of people to enter the venue.

I smooth the fabric of my blue satin dress as I make my way to the main crowd of people. The music is already deafening, vibrating through my body. My eyes adjust from the loss of bright light, taking in the large space filled with drivers and other team members lit by the colours of the rainbow.

I squint, trying to find Georgia or Charles through the low lights and the amount of people gathered together. I spot a flick of blonde hair and zero in on it, muttering 'excuse me' after 'excuse me'.

I break through the last line of people to be met with a crowd of the McLaren team all holding up drinks and beaming at me.

"Theeeeere she iiiiiiis!" Georgia sings, extending her hand holding a drink. I mirror her energy, both shimmying over to each other as I grab the drink out of her hand.

"There's the talk of Formula 1!" Harry drapes an arm around my shoulders, taking a sip of his drink. I do a mini curtesy before taking a sip of my own.

"In the flesh," I say, taking another. I talk with the team for a while, relishing in the feeling of a top 3 result.

Before long Georgia and I are on the dance floor, already loosing count of the number of drinks we've had, and moving our bodies to the music. I loose myself to the rhythm of the songs, feeling the beat in my soul. Or maybe that's the alcohol? I'm not sure.

I'm still dancing with Georgia, jumping up and down like a lunatic, when I bump into someone behind me. I stumble, but somehow manage to regain my balance despite my obviously drunk state, and turn to apologise to whoever I crashed into.

"Oh, shit, so-" The words die in my mouth as my eyes meet a familiar pair of green ones. I clear my throat "Sorry, I didn't realise I was so close to you!" I shout.

"It's okay," He shouts back, a small smile playing on his lips.

I can't help but give him a quick once over.

Simple, yet so good. I think, taking in his tight fitting black t-shirt, black sweats and matching gold chain and watch. His face flashes in colours of purple, blue and red in the club lights that makes his eyes twinkle and highlights everything good about his face.

God dammit.

"Having fun?" He asks, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yeah," I nod giddily. My smile drops when I hear the song change. I groan loudly, tipping my head back.

"What?" Lando asks, a slight laugh behind his words. I flick my head back up and glare at him.

"I hate this song." I cross my arms and pout, fighting the urge to stomp my feet and pull a full-on tantrum in the middle of the club.

Lando looks at me curiously at first, studying my movements with a small smile and low eyes.

"Why don't we go change it?" He suggests with a raised brow.

I look at him.

"I'm not kidding," He laughs, gesturing to the now apparent DJ on a raised stage near the bar. My heart flutters.

What a great idea!

The alcohol encourages my feet to move toward the DJ, Lando close behind. As we approach them my pace only increases. I practically run up the stairs and almost trip as I make it to the DJ.

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