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[lando norris]

"She crashed." Will's voice echoes through my radio.

My heart drops to my ass.

"Cassie?" I ask, heart rate picking up.

"Cassie." His voice confirms, and for some reason my heart beats faster and my palms sweat as I grip the wheel tighter.

I've never pulled into the pits faster.

Normally I would be hollering about my P1, but right now the only thing on my mind is Cassie.

The remaining pit crew help me out of the car and I shove my helmet into their hands, staring straight at the big screen broadcasting the wreckage of her car.

Shit, I think. She did a good job of that one, that's for sure.

The whole front of her car is crumpled, mirroring the way a can looks when someone stomps on it. There's small streaks of smoke spilling from it, making it hard to just see if she's okay...

Her helmet. It's there, but it's not moving.

Shit, shit! I think.

I'm not sure why I can feel my heart pounding against my chest, threatening to escape, or why my whole body is compelled to rush to the wreckage of her car.

Whatever it is, it's enough for me to break out into a full-blown sprint toward the car, toward the wreckage - toward her.

The crowd is deafening, the sound of clamouring and movement echoing through the grid as I rush toward the scene. I arrive just as the ambulance car pulls up, and I slow down as other McLaren crew rush past me to the car.

I watch from a distance as paramedics throw themselves out of the car and run toward her, immediately checking her consciousness and slowly peeling her helmet off.

Blood. There's blood.

The sight of bright red near her causes me to rush toward her again, stopping beside the paramedics and searching her face for wherever it's coming from.

"She's awake, but we need to get her out," The paramedic says, standing upright and grabbing one of her arms.

I move to her other arm and help to lift her out of the car. She falls into me as her feet come into contact with the floor.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" she says, trying to push on my chest to stand herself up.

"Cassie, are you hurt?" I ask, hating the way my voice is laced with concern.

"Lando, I'm fine." She replies, trying to wave me off and stand upright again, before realising how disoriented she is and falling back into me.

I found the source of the bleeding. Her lip.

I reach my thumb out and swipe it across her bottom lip, trying to clean it of blood but it pools there again immediately.

She looks up at me, eyes hazy and pupils dilated. I ignore the extra beat of my heart.

"Lando, I'm fine I swear, it's just a split lip-"

"With a hit like that, your heads taken quite a knock. We need to run some more tests and keep an eye on you to make sure nothing bad's happened." One of the paramedics says, moving back toward the car.

She nods, wincing slightly and bracing her arm on my bicep. I try to help her upright, but she squeezes my arm.

"I can do it," She whispers, closing her eyes as she moves her weight back to her own legs and stands upright.

The paramedics move around us, our team asking her more questions as they ready her to get into the car.

I'm not focused on the paramedics. I'm watching Cassie, and how with each smile, each assurance that she's fine, her face is turning more and more pale. Her skin is a stark contrast to the bright red blood slightly smeared across the bottom of her chin and bottom lip.

She sways slightly, eyelids fluttering.

Shit, Cassie.

Her body falls my way again, and I step forward to catch her weight. I try to help her walk, but with her almost passed out it's no use.

Fuck it, I think.

I reach down and scoop her frail body into my arms, bridal style. I try to support her head with my upper arm and I carry her to the ambulance car and place her inside, before rushing to the other side to get in as well.

I watch her the whole way back to the garages, the way her chest moves up and down with each breath and how her slightly knitted brows slowly ease.

What is it with her?


a bit of a short one today but i thought i'd make it up to you by making it lando's pov;)

sweet dreams!! olive<33

chasing - lando norrisWhere stories live. Discover now