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Eleven year old Bill Anderson was staring at the TV screen with a look of utmost concentration, his lips slightly parted and dark brown eyes wide with awe.

This was his mother's favourite film of all time, and every Saturday after his father had kissed his mum goodbye at the door to go to work, his mum would make grilled steaks in the backyard and they'd eat it medium-rare and have smoothies for desert before Florence Anderson would be taking Bill back to the house and putting on Rick & Evangeline.

Rick & Evangeline was probably the most stereotypical film in the entire history of Maviz, planet of the werewolves. It was about the big bad strong alpha coming in to save the beautiful omega damsel in distress, the beta best friend providing the best commentary and jokes to the entire screenplay.

If Bill were a little older, he'd have called the movie garbage – and even now, he'd never admit it to his friends that he watched it every Saturday with his mum.

But now, in the safety and privacy of his own home, he let his inhibitions go.

His mum thought he was transfixed with Lady Grey, the actress that played Evangeline, but no, Bill had his eyes on one person and one person only.

He couldn't quite supress the slight hitch in his breath when Rick was swooping into the dungeon Evangeline was trapped in through the high window. He smashed right through the glass without a scratch, rolling on the floor into the room before he was ripping off the thick silver chains holding Evangeline captive with his bare hands, not even acting like the chemically infused chains affected him in any way before he was swooping the darling Evangeline into his arms and literally carrying her out of the dungeon like she weighed a feather.

Bill's little heart was racing frantically as the background music built and built, and he held his breath when as expected, the feral alpha was tearing out of his secluded dungeon and running after Rick and Evangeline.

No matter how many times Bill had watched this, he couldn't get over it.

The epic battle between good and evil and how good always, always prevailed.

"As usual, you're late," Bill mouthed the words with Evangeline when Rick was done disposing of the feral alpha's body.

"And as usual, you're a menace, my Evangeline."

Bill shivered at the way Rick looked at Evangeline and tried not to sigh dreamily like his mum did when Rick was roughly grabbing Evangeline into his arms and bending her backwards in his arms so she was nearly falling but was held securely in his sure grip.

Bill literally stopped breathing when Rick finally kissed her.

It wasn't gentle – no, it was rough and deep and the most obscene thing Bill has ever seen in his young life.

He felt hot and cold all over, trying and failing not to imagine himself in Evangeline's place.

That night, as his mum came to check on him like she always did before he went to bed, he couldn't help calling out after her as she was about to close his door.

"Yes, darling?" she asked with a soft tired smile, poking her head back through his door to give him a curious look.

Bill shifted a little uncomfortably, his little fingers gripping the edges of his duvet as he tried to imagine how to phrase his question. Being eleven, Bill hadn't presented his gender yet, but everyone was pretty sure he was going to present as an alpha, so he was a little scared.

What if he didn't want to be an alpha? To be quite honest, he wanted to be...he wanted to be an omega.

The thought made him flush and pull the blankets a little higher over his chin.

"Sweetheart? Is everything alright?" Florence Anderson asked when he'd hesitated for too long, stepping into the room and taking a seat on his bed.

Bill swallowed hard. "I –" he licked his suddenly dry lips and swallowed again before whispering timidly, "what if – what if I'm an omega, mum?"

His mother scoffed, her expression instantly turning into a frown, "Don't be ridiculous dear, we all know you're going to be an alpha. Why, you're the tallest and strongest in your class already."

"I know," Bill responded a little timidly, his hands still clenching around the blankets, "but according to biology, there's a fifty percent chance I might be –"

"Bill Anderson," Florence interrupted, her voice stern, "don't you dare start reading and quoting nonsense. You're going to be an alpha and that's the end of that."

Bill's eyes got hot but he refused to let the tears fall. An alpha wouldn't cry.

"There now, sweetheart. You're just confused and it's okay." She patted him on the shoulder with a soft, caring smile. "Go to sleep sweetheart, you'll feel better in the morning."


"Goodnight, my darling."

"Goodnight, mum."

She smiled at him again before getting up and leaving his room, making sure to switch off the lights as she went, plunging him in darkness.

Bill rolled over on his side in the darkness so that he was facing the direction of the moon. He clenched his eyes shut tightly, his hands tightening into almost painful fists as he prayed fervently to the goddess to make him an omega. He wanted to be an omega. He didn't care what people said – didn't care that omegas were scorned in the world, especially the males – no, on the inside, it just felt so right to him. He was born to be an omega.

Please. Please. Please.

Two years later, Bill Anderson presented as an alpha. 


A/N: Oops. So this happened lolol 

Ily don't hate me pls 

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