Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Oliver Masis was trying really hard not to stare.

Okay, that was a lie. He was staring blatantly from underneath his eyelashes and he didn't even realize how badly he was staring until a familiar voice was whispering directly into his ear, "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

Oliver nearly jumped out of his skin, growling under his breath before turning to hiss at his younger brother, "Fuck off, Edward."

"That guy comes here basically every night. When the hell are you going to woman up and ask him out?"

Oliver felt himself flush brilliantly, cursing his pale skin for being so sensitive.

"What guy? Huh? Shut up, I have no idea what you're talking about," he stammered stupidly, his cheeks flushing even more.

Edward laughed, "Uh huh, keep telling yourself that," he winked, before making his way down the bar towards someone waving for his attention.

Oliver cursed his brother for being so perceptive, feeling his cheeks burn as hot as the sun as his gaze was once again drawn to the alpha nursing a glass of their finest scotch, the man glaring at the glass like it had done something to offend him.

The alpha might've been the most handsome alpha Oliver has ever seen in his life. Probably. Maybe. Or perhaps it was his crush speaking but he refused to acknowledge that thought.

The man had short, thick black hair that was a wild mess on his head and eyes the darkest shade of brown Oliver had ever seen – they were practically black – and Oliver has never seen eyes so sexy. His skin was perfectly tanned with a good dusting of body hair and fuck, those arms beneath that white shirt, in fact, the shirt was practically clinging to the other man's frame for dear life and Oliver could only imagine what naughty things he could do to that body just –

Edward snapped two fingers in front of his face, nearly sending Oliver's soul flying out of his body.

"What the hell, Ed, don't do that," he gasped, heart pounding from how much Edward had surprised him, a hand flying to his chest as if to stop his heart from racing.

Edward was laughing hysterically. "My god, you're pathetic. Just fucking talk to him, Oli. It's really not hard. Hey, I'm Oliver, come here often?"

"Come here often?" Oliver mocked sarcastically, "what are we? Ancient?"

Edward shrugged, "It was only a suggestion, don't get your panties in a twist." He did a mock salute with his hand before moving to the other end of the bar where a group of ladies were waiting to be served.

Just thinking about speaking to the man made Oliver's stomach do cartwheels. He swallowed hard and turned his glance towards the alpha again and felt his everything turn sour at the sight of another guy – an alpha by the looks of it – talking to him. The new guy was just as built as him, with so many moles on his face it almost looked like he'd deliberately painted them on or something.

Oliver's expression was blank as he secretly watched them while the green-eyed monster grew rapidly inside him. The noise from the bar and the music was too loud for Oliver to hear what they were saying, but the way he was suddenly blushing and fiddling with his glass, refusing to meet the other alpha's eyes told Oliver exactly what he needed to know.

Was he –? Did this mean he had a chance?

No, that was ridiculous, he thought with a nervous chuckle, spinning around to face the cabinets that held the drinks behind him. No alpha on the planet would want to be seen with another alpha, let alone express any form of attraction. He was probably just reading too much into things – as he usually did.

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