Chapter One

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A/N: The events in this story happen about one year after "Rise Above."

You don't have to read "Rise Above" to read this story but there WILL be spoilers, especially concerning Markus+Dallas because they work in the same office as Bill, so you have been warned.

And now, enjoy! :D

Chapter One

The image downright refused to leave his brain.

Dallas Crane pinned to the wall by Marcus Rowan's small frame, the omega trembling, soft lips parted as he stared down at the alpha like he hung the fucking moon. Marcus had one strong thigh in-between the omega's legs and it wasn't hard to imagine what was happening, not hard to imagine what exactly the alpha had been whispering into the air between them, his voice soft and full of command.

Bill Anderson's hand clenched so hard around his glass it nearly cracked as he seethed with rage.

He hated Dallas Crane's guts so fucking much.

"Jeez, man, what did the drink ever do to you?"

Bill startled, glancing up at the owner of the voice that had just spoken to him. The bar had fallen silent while he'd gotten lost in his thoughts, but now, the noise returned full force; music blaring obnoxiously from loud speakers and weres screaming to be heard over the noise.

The man that had spoken to him was extremely tall, with broad shoulders and a splattering of moles across his entire face, making it look like someone had sprayed dark ink all over his face in messy tiny splotches. A light polite sniff told Bill that this guy was an alpha and he unconsciously sat up straighter, his hand tightening imperceptibly around his glass.

He managed a crooked smile at the guy, "Just had a rough day, is all."

"May I?" the dark haired man asked, nodding at the bar stool beside Bill.

Bill nodded and turned back to his drink, suddenly very interested in the ice floating in the golden liquid.

"Work is tough, eh?" the alpha asked jovially, playfully nudging Bill in the shoulder.

Bill couldn't help his smile, still not looking at the alpha. "Yeah. It's fucking bullshit."

The other man laughed and from the sound of his voice, he was probably taking a look around the bar, "Do you come here often?"

Bill swallowed, ignoring the sudden racing of his heartbeat. "Not really. Only every other day."

The alpha laughed again, finally turning his full attention on Bill. "Yeah? The name's Stanley by the way."


"So how's this joint, Bill? You look like a guy who knows his stuff," Stanley winked.

Despite himself, Bill felt his cheeks heat and immediately turned to face his glass, picking it up and taking a huge gulp, nearly choking as the strong liquid rushed down his throat too fast.

He turned back to face the other alpha, his voice a croak when he blurted, "Oh, it's alright." He coughed, blushing harder in embarrassment while Stanley smiled at him like he was the most fascinating creature in the world, "The food's okay. The music's shit. The people – eh."

Stanley chuckled, grinning widely at Bill, "Is it, now?" he laughed, "I'm just looking for a good time, you know? Get away from everything for a while."

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