Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Bill woke up to the sound of beeping.

He swallowed thickly, his throat parched. Everything hurt, and his temples throbbed with the mother of all headaches. He wanted to move, but couldn't seem to feel his limbs.

Trying not to panic, he swallowed again.

"Bill?" a soft familiar voice.

He blinked when a dark shadow covered his vision. Blinked again until his vision cleared, and felt his heart swell when he noticed it was Oliver, looking rumpled but so full of relief.

"Hello, love," Oliver whispered softly, stroking his hair. He moved away, and Bill inhaled sharply, the heart monitor going crazy until Oliver reappeared, his expression fond. "Was just getting you some water."

A straw found his lips, and Bill drank gratefully, soothing his parched throat.

When he drank his fill, it all suddenly came back to him.

The needle he'd pushed into his arm, Oliver, the heat, the pleasure, the love –

He was in the hospital. That meant Trinity's serum hadn't worked. He managed to tilt his head back into the pillows, blinking his eyes rapidly to keep the tears at bay.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Oliver asked, moving closer, eyes wide with worry.

Nothing, Bill thought, letting a tear slide down his temple.

"Bill! Darling! You're awake."

Bill stiffened. His eyes, wide with panic, darted in Oliver's direction. The alpha looked at him helplessly, almost guiltily.

He hadn't seen his mother in what – he couldn't even remember. He didn't want to see her. Why was she here? How was she here?

By sheer force of will, he managed to move, his fingers twitching in Oliver's direction.

The alpha immediately grasped his hand and squeezed, as if silently saying, I'm not going anywhere. Form the tenseness of his shoulders, and the way he wouldn't quite meet her eyes, it seemed Oliver didn't like his mother's presence here either.

Bill fucking loved him.

Like she knew she wasn't welcome, she hesitated a few feet away from his bed, clutching at her purse. Grey touched her temples, yet she still looked the same as the last time Bill had seen her, probably around the time he'd gotten his job at the station.

The water and the brief respite helped him find his voice.

"What are you doing here?" he hated how weak he still sounded. Oliver squeezed his hand again, offering his silent support. Bill was grateful.

Florence Anderson waved him off. "You're a registered patient in this hospital, Bill. I'm your emergency contact."

Fuck. Bill was changing that as soon as he got out of here.

"Don't think I don't watch the news," she began, and Bill bristled.

Oliver made a movement, but Bill shook his head. Let her speak.

"With everything that's happening, you still go and take that vile woman's drugs? You could have gotten yourself killed! How many times have I told you –"

"Get out."

Florence stumbled like she'd been slapped. "I'm sorry?"

"Get the fuck out." Bill had suddenly found his strength. He'd let her speak because some part of him had hoped she'd changed. But of course she was still the same bigot he'd left behind. "I don't want to see you, and I don't give a shit about what you have to say. If you don't leave, I'll ask Oliver to tell the hospital security to throw you out."

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