Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Oliver hated that he felt nervous – and honestly a bit terrified – to meet with Trinity.

Some part of him still felt like she was the owner of the bar, even when the papers said otherwise. Edward had noticed Trinity having regular 'meetings' with a certain group of people every night for the past week, his theory about something fishy going on making Oliver even more nervous.

He was in the kitchens – he'd lost rock, paper, scissors to Edward again – and Edward was closing up when Trinity finally entered the space, closing the door behind her.

It felt like someone suddenly sucked all the air out of the room.

She sauntered up to him, her dark skin glowing, contrasting sharply with the pale pink dress she wore, her feet in killer six inch heels.

"Masis," she greeted, perpetual smirk curving her full red lips. "You wanted to see me?"

Oliver's answering smile felt strained in return. "Yeah," he said, immediately leading her to the freezer. "I was doing inventory last night and came across something not on the checklist? I just thought I'd alert you in case it was some sort of mistake or something. I did mark it on the list but I thought I'd rather be safe than sorry." Ugh, he still sounded like he was her employee. Grow a damn vagina, Oliver.

Trinity's face was strangely expressionless. She didn't even glance into the freezer to see what Oliver was trying to show her, her arms crossed over her chest.

"You don't need to worry about that," she said. "It's just a little...side project I've been working on for some time now. This is the last you'll see of it, I promise."

That last sentence was said with an earnestness that made Oliver uncomfortable.

"Uh, um, okay. That's good."

The smirk was back on her lips. "I heard Edward applied to resume school?"

Oliver rubbed the back of his neck, feeling bashful but proud on his brother's behalf. "Yeah."

"That's great." Her smile seemed genuine, and then she turned serious again. "I know we don't see eye to eye most of the time, but I do want the best for both of you."

Oliver shifted. "Uh, thanks. Thank you."

She nodded towards the freezer. "I'll take care of that tomorrow. This is your place now. Wouldn't want our businesses to end up tangled together, would we?"

Oliver had no idea what the hell she was talking about, but he laughed nervously anyway.

"Yeah, wouldn't want that."

She nodded at him, and with a flip of her bouncy red hair, she was gone.

What in fresh hell?

I've actually never been on a date before.

Bill's cheeks were on fire as he sent the text, his hands trembling slightly as he returned his phone back into his pocket. It vibrated almost immediately, and he pulled the device back out with a desperate urgency.

Oliver: What? Really?!?!?

Bill: Yes. Really lol

Oliver: That makes both of us haha

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