Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty-One

Bill couldn't keep his eyes away from the collar around his throat through the rear-view mirror, his stomach dancing with butterflies at the thought of Oliver actually giving him a collar one day. He'd never really thought he was that kind of omega, but here he was, nearly melting into his seat at the thought of the world knowing that Oliver owned him.


The taxi finally stopped, and the butterflies in his tummy turned into dragons when he spotted the club across the road. He paid the driver and got out, taking in one deep breath for strength before making his way to the entrance.

He was dressed as casually as possible to draw as little attention to himself as he could. He wasn't looking for anything tonight, and he hoped that his mode of dress along with the collar would keep any interested parties to themselves.

The club was pretty stereotypical, a lot of the customers dressed in all forms of leather and harnesses.

The girl in the reception asked what he was there for, holding a multitude of coloured wristbands.

"Uh, just...looking around," he responded, and she proceeded to wrap a red wristband around his wrist.


Bill's heartbeat stuttered. Was she being serious? Most people just assumed without asking. He felt a strange mix of emotions at being given the option.

She stared at him blankly, waiting for a response.

He felt like he was going to pass out as he answered, "Omega?"

"You sure?" she teased, even as she slipped another wristband, this time a soft blue, around his wrist. "Have fun, stay safe, and be responsible."

He nodded, unable to help the pleased feeling spreading in his chest as he touched the blue wristband. He was an omega here, no questions asked. Now he knew he definitely had to bring Oliver here.

As he entered the main space of the club, his heart began to race, and he immediately sobered up.

This was it. He was here. With what he was about to do, perhaps it wouldn't be a good idea to come back at all.

The music was loud, pounding in his ears and somehow matching the erratic beat of his racing heart. Bodies gyrated on the dance floor, so tightly packed Bill wasn't sure it was the reason why he felt like he suddenly couldn't breathe, or if it was his own rising panic.

He shoved his way through the crowd towards the bar, his chest heaving with relief as he did.

"What's your poison?" the beta behind the bar asked, her purple hair in two spiky buns on her head. Like the rest of the club, she was dressed in leather, with several belts stylishly wrapped around her attire, the black complementing and enriching the brown of her skin.

"Can I just have a glass of water?"

"Sure thing, handsome." She nodded at the red wristband as she filled a glass from the tap underneath the bar. "Just here to appreciate the sights, then?"


"Are you meeting someone?"

Bill wasn't sure how to answer. "Uh...not really?"

Her lips ticked up in a sharp smile. "If you're interested in the BDSM part of the club, that's downstairs. This section is really just for dancing and letting off steam."

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