Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"We can call it practice, for when we meet our mates in the future. We don't need to tell anyone."

Bill woke up drenched in a cold sweat, his body shivering. He hadn't had that dream – no, that nightmare, in a long time. Stupid fucking alpha from Cass, his favourite bar in town, had reopened old wounds in him.

He glanced at the clock on his bedside and the time read four in the morning. Fuck that, he was going back to sleep. He closed his eyes and got himself comfortable in the sheets but of course, now he couldn't stop thinking about him; about the scrape of dirt and rocks on his knees and the taste of hot flesh in his mouth.

Fuck, fuck, nope, no.

He got up quickly, shoving a hand through his short black hair, before getting up and deciding to take a shower. He clenched his teeth in disgust at the mess that was the bathroom; Finn's stuff was practically everywhere – briefs and random items of clothing littering the floor, toothpaste, toothbrush and mouthwash scattered in the sink, and empty bottles of shampoo and body wash still in the bath, no matter how many times Bill has screamed his head off about the mess.

Denmark wasn't as messy – in fact, the other beta was the complete opposite. He kept all his stuff to himself in his room and the only items he left out were the food stuff in the kitchen and even then, he had a mini fridge in his room and a small, personal cooker. Bill had already come to terms with the fact that Denmark was an anti-social hermit and he wasn't sure the guy ever even left the apartment.

He sighed tiredly, kicking empty bottles out of the way – he knew if he took out the items, Finn would just leave them there again, knowing Bill would take them out, which was why he left them there in the first place – switching on the shower head and standing under the cold spray until it warmed up.

He had just exited the bathroom, steam billowing around him when his phone began to ring. He sighed tiredly – no one called him this early unless it was work, and Bill was so not in the mood to see any of those smug bastards' faces today. Or tomorrow. Or ever.

"Seth," Bill answered the phone, calling his boss by name which the guy had requested they call him.

"There's been a murder," the beta said sharply into the phone, "we're meeting up at the precinct at the next hour. Be there on time, Anderson."

The call disconnected.

Bill shrugged, happy he'd at least gotten a good shower before he quickly put on his clothes and called a cab, making his way to the precinct.

When he got there, Marcus Rowan and his team – Tania Hanson and Dallas Crane – were already there. The only member of Bill's team available at the moment was Cocoa Millz, but Bill was sure Emily would show up in a matter of minutes.

Seth appeared in the meeting room just as Emily was rushing into the place, her thick, wild red hair flying all over the place. Bill paused, as the sight of that hair and the woman's one million freckles reminded him of a certain alpha who worked in a particular favourite bar of his – Emily's hair was way too stringy and curly, a wild tangled mess on her head while the alpha's hair had been in thick, perfect curls in a slightly darker shade. While Emily's hair was more of a bright red, the alpha's hair had been more maroon. Emily's freckles were so many and so dark it was a wonder she had any skin left while the alpha's freckles had been lovely shades of rose pink and red, the right amount dotting his beautiful pale skin like he was a rare painting in the flesh.

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