Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

I'm sorry

It's not you it's me

I have issues okay, and I'd rather not talk about it

Bill groaned, deleting each message before sending them.

"You look adorable."

Bill looked up from his phone with a glare. He was on the couch, dressed in a onesie with his knees pulled up to his chest, so Finn wasn't exactly wrong. Bill glared harder at the thought, which made Finn laugh.

The beta took a seat beside him, which made him stiffen automatically, which of course, Finn ignored.

"You okay, man?" he was currently spooning from a bowl of his famous chilli. "You don't look too hot."

Bill didn't respond, eyes turning back to the message screen still open on his phone, Oliver's name on top. The more he thought about their last night together, about three days ago, the more anxious and disgusted he felt with himself.

Sure they'd barely spent any real time together, but Bill knew Oliver was different. At least Oliver wasn't trying to pretend he didn't want him. And he didn't think Bill's...kinks were strange or whatever.

It was just sometimes Bill turned into an asshole as some sort of defence mechanism after all he'd been through, but he knew deep down that Oliver didn't deserve that.

Thinking back to the tremble in the other alpha's voice, how he'd looked so small and vulnerable before Bill had left made him feeling like throwing up.

I'm sorry, he typed again, but the words didn't feel enough. He deleted them again with a snarl.

"Dude, just send it," Finn said, the beta leaning over his shoulder so he could read the messages.

"Back off," Bill growled, turning his phone away.

Finn shrugged, picking up the remote from somewhere stuffed on the couch beside him. "There's no point beating around the bush. The longer you take, the less likely she's gonna forgive you."

"He," Bill corrected automatically, and then he flushed.

"Oh?" Finn answered. "Not the omega of the other day, then? That not work out?"

"That was – that was never a thing." I can't believe I'm talking to Finn of all people. Is this what my life's become?

"Ah. My bad. Send it anyway. It's a good start."

I'm really about to talk to Finn. I've really hit rock bottom. "Just a start?"

"Well, yeah, I mean –" Finn lifted his ridiculously long legs so he could cross them on the sitting room table. "–Saying you're sorry is a start. Saying what you're sorry for is better. Saying what you're sorry for and promising to be better is the best. Acknowledge that you hurt them, it wasn't intentional – or if it was, it won't happen again."

Bill swallowed down the fear.

Some part of him knew exactly what he had to say. He was just afraid he was too late and he'd already ruined everything. The way Oliver had looked –

"At least do it so you're not stinking up the place with your misery, my god."

"Fuck you," Bill growled.

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