Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

"I think something fishy is going on with Miss Kay," Edward whispered, even though he really didn't need to, because the person he was talking about was way over on the other side of the bar, not to mention the music was as loud as it usually once – which was almost eardrum-pounding loud – and Oliver probably wouldn't have heard him if it weren't for the fact that his brother had whispered directly into his ear.

Oliver rolled his eyes. "Don't let her catch you calling her that."

Edward rolled his eyes with a small smirk, "Oh please. She loves me."

"What do you mean by something fishy? There's always something fishy going on with Trinity," Oliver replied in a dry tone.

It was Wednesday, just a little over five in the evening, and they'd only been open a few minutes so there weren't many people in the bar just yet. The woman in question was seated at one of the many tables the bar had with a few other people, laughing and talking. Before the club night began, they had a restaurant menu that started at five when they opened, and closed at nine. Then the tables were cleared and the bar went into full party swing until three in the morning.

Edward shrugged, wiping down the bar while Oliver made an inventory of the items and drinks they had and what they needed more of. "I asked if she could get new people working at the bar 'cause I wanted to get another job."

Oliver very nearly dropped the very expensive bottle of scotch he was holding, turning to glare at his brother in surprise. "Another job? Why the hell would you want another job?"

Edward sighed. "This conversation has been a long time coming and I'm sorry I'm only just blurting it out to you right now, but something needs to be done, Oli. Do you realize the Kays only pay us just enough to keep us here?"

Oliver frowned. "Uhm, they pay us slightly above minimum wage, Ed. A lot of people would say that's more than enough."

"Yes, and they were very generous in giving us a place to stay and I'm not at all ungrateful, but is this how you see your life, Oli?"

Oliver swallowed and turned back to face the drinks, glaring at the notepad in his hands. "We're not talking about this."

"Seriously Oli," Edward was back to whispering furiously, "how long have we worked here, full time? We practically fucking live here. No wait, what do I mean by practically? Our rooms are upstairs for fuck's sake. Hell, some of the customers even think we own this place. How bad is that? Don't you want a place of your own? Aren't you tired of the stench of alcohol and vomit? What happened to 'this is only to get our feet on the ground, okay, Eddy'?"

"What the hell brought this up then?" Oliver growled, turning to glare at his brother, "We have something good going on right now. We have food, money and a roof over our heads. Why do you have to be so fucking greedy all the time?"

Edward winced and took a step back, staring at Oliver with wide eyes before his expression hardened. "Fine, whatever. Forget I said anything."

"Fuck's sake," Oliver hissed through his teeth, already feeling guilty as hell. "Ed –"

"I'd rather talk to you when you don't have your head up your ass."

Oliver couldn't help it, he laughed and felt a little better when Edward rolled his eyes, but the corners of his lips tilted up a little in the beginnings of an answering smile.

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