Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Bill stood guarding the door to the apartment while Cocoa and Emily patrolled the floors, keeping curious weres from coming any closer to the crime scene.

Because of his close proximity to said crime scene, Bill could clearly hear Tania, Marcus, and Dallas as they pondered over their latest case, which, apparently, had a lot of similarities to the case of nearly two weeks ago – the suspected suicide/homicide of an omega. Except, based on the results from the Medical Examiner, the dead were had been no omega at all, even though Bill was pretty certain his nose wasn't broken.

"Scent alterer, do you think?" Tania asked from inside the room, bringing Bill out of his thoughts, "It's the only explanation."

The dead were in the room was apparently giving off both scents of a beta and an alpha. From what Bill had deduced from team members inside, the dead were – who was naked – apparently had a knot, but the distinct scents of beta and alpha seemed to belong solely to him and not two different weres.

"We can't jump into any conclusions," Dallas replied, "We really need Spencer to check it out – which, he's late, as usual."

"Not surprised," Markus said with a tsk, "we'll have him check the bodies – this one and the other one for any signs of scent alterer, even though he didn't mention any of the sort in his report."

"It's the only thing I can think of that makes sense."

"So, what do you think happened here?" Markus mused.

"Looks like your standard drug overdose," Tania said.

"Hm. I just don't like this link with the other case," Dallas said. "The scent thing, I mean. It's really freaking weird. Aren't you guys weirded out?"

Bill tuned the responses out, taking a deep inhale through his nose. He could smell the scent of a beta mixed up with that of an alpha, but it had to be medically impossible for it to come from the same person, even though his nose was telling him otherwise.

The trio inside the room ruled the death as an overdose for the moment, because there seemed to be no forced entry or other cause of death, the disposed injection in the bin in the toilet their only proof. Until the room was swept through for fingerprints and any possible suspects were interviewed, they were basically done here.

Spencer Smith showed up late as usual, and he couldn't see any other cause of death either, but came to the same conclusions as Tania, Dallas, and Markus had – about the scents of both alpha and beta belonging solely to the were in the room.

"This is so fucking weird," the Medical Examiner said, his voice practically trembling with glee.

"Have some decency, Spence, for fuck's sake," Tania said, and the man in question laughed. She sounded exasperated but fond.

The body was soon moved, the room swept through again for evidence, and then it was finally over.

For now.

Bill normally didn't sleep with omegas.

He just – he couldn't. They just made him so

"Oh fuck. Right there."

His eyes were clenched shut, hands braced against the headboard as he slammed his hips so hard it had the woman underneath him squealing with pleasure. His temples throbbed, his heart raced, and he was biting his lower lip so hard he could taste blood.

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