Chapter Twenty-Two

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Chapter Twenty-Two

Oliver startled awake when he felt Bill leaving his arms during the night.

"Go back to sleep," Bill whispered.

"Mm," Oliver sighed, immediately falling back to sleep.

The odds are ten to one.

Bill hoped deep down in his heart that he was among the ten, as he pushed the needle gently into the vein in his forearm, as the kit instructed, and then pushed.

Oliver vaguely felt Bill slip into his arms a few minutes later, the other man tucking his face underneath Oliver's chin and wrapping his arms around him.

"Mm, hello," Oliver murmured.

Bill couldn't help but smile helplessly. "Hi."

He was tense for a few moments, heart pitter-pattering away underneath his ribcage as Oliver fell back asleep. It took him a while, but eventually, he finally managed to fall into a restless sleep.

Oliver woke up what felt like minutes later to find Bill with his back to Oliver's chest, while Oliver's hands gripped his hips as he rutted against his bare ass.

"Fuck," he slurred, barely awake, hips stuttering as he tried to stop.

"Don't stop," Bill whispered, voice a near sob.

It took a second for the scent to filter into Oliver's nostrils, and when it did, it went straight to his cock, his back arching, dick spilling out pre-cum like a faulty tap.

"Bill, Bill, oh my god," he rasped, shoving his face into the back of the other man's neck so he could get lungfuls of that scent. "You smell so – so –" so fucking delicious.

"Yes, yes," Bill sobbed, baring his throat, and Oliver's fangs dropped so quick it was like a switch had been flipped, his mouth flooding with saliva.

"Holy shit," he growled, throwing his head back and swallowing repeatedly to get rid of the excess drool, but it wouldn't stop coming. His fangs throbbed, desperate to sink into Bill's throat and mark him. "Oh my god."

When he got himself under some sort of control, he shoved his face back into Bill's throat, inhaling greedily, mouth parting helplessly so he could suck bruises into his skin.

"Yes," Bill hissed. "Mark me. Gimme your bite. I want it – I want it, Oliver. Fucking bite me."

Oliver whined, pressing his legs together and gritting his teeth, trying simultaneously not to come and not to sink his bite into Bill's throat. Instead he lightly bit his shoulder blade, nipping at his arms, and then his back, drooling helplessly as it seemed he got closer and closer to the source of that delicious scent.

"Fuuuck," he groaned, eyelids heavy as he parted Bill's cheeks to find him sopping wet, the scent of him like sex and Bill and heat. "How are you so wet? You're so wet," Oliver said, immediately shoving his face in and lapping up the sweet cream.

Bill yelled, and Oliver felt his body go tense as he came.

"Turn over," Oliver said, voice a rough command.

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