Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Oliver didn't think he'd ever see Bill again, so walking out after dropping off some orders in the kitchen to see the alpha perched on his usual barstool stole his breath and nearly had him dropping the glasses he was holding.


He froze, and his heart pounded so hard he was afraid it would burst right out of his chest. He resumed moving, quickly tearing his gaze away from the man before Bill noticed.

What is he doing back here?

What, so he can't come here for a drink now just because he had sex with you and then ditched? Grow up, Oliver.

But the hurt was still fresh, smarting underneath his chest, so Oliver resolutely ignored the alpha as he moved around the bar and restaurant – it wasn't late enough for them to switch to dancefloor mode – taking orders and pretending like life was dandy.

He hated how self-conscious he felt that the other alpha was here, and wished so badly that he would just leave. He felt like a dumped lover seeing their ex for the first time after the breakup, resisting the urge to check his hair and his clothes to see if he looked like he didn't give a fuck.

Because he didn't. Obviously.

Edward, thank goodness, didn't seem to be too receptive to the alpha's presence either, if the less-than-subtle glares he kept throwing the alpha's way were anything to go by. It made Oliver's chest warm.

The alpha nursed the same glass of scotch as the evening progressed, and was still there when the space slowly transformed into night-mode, the tables and chairs disappearing into the back to open up the dancefloor, and the DJ beginning to set up her booth. All this while, he said nothing, didn't even look Oliver's way, his eyes focused on the polished wood of the bar in front of him. The nonchalant and arrogant swagger he used to wear like a cologne was gone from his frame, his shoulders drooped like a man defeated.

Oliver felt a pang of worry, before he shoved it down, pulling up his anger and hurt instead. He needed to feel the pain if he was ever going to protect his heart.

Who even said the alpha was here for him anyway? Maybe he'd just missed the place and facing Oliver's wrath at his abrupt disappearance was worth having a ridiculous glass of scotch.

"I think that spot's clean."

Oliver clenched his jaw, rolling his eyes as he turned to face his brother. "Can. You. Stop. Doing. That."

Edward was smirking. He raised both his hands in surrender. "You were scrubbing really hard. Just thought I'd say something."

"Don't you have like...glasses to clean? Orders to fill?"

Edward laughed as he headed in the other direction of the bar, grinning cheerfully as he asked the betas coming up what they wanted to drink.

Oliver's eyes were automatically drawn back to Bill's direction, and his heart stopped beating when he found the other alpha already looking at him.

He tore his gaze away, trying not to pass out from how hard his pulse raced and his blood rushed. He resolutely did not look his way again all night.

When closing time drew close, Oliver couldn't help but notice when Bill slid out of his seat.

Fucking finally.



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