Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine

When Oliver Masis imagined losing his virginity, he'd always thought he'd woo his Dream Alpha to death – like, so much wooing the alpha would beg him to stop – and then when they'd been sufficiently wooed, he would take them on the most romantic date ever – which had to involve candles, chocolates, and roses of some kind – because when he went all out, he went all out – and then he'd take them back to his place – or their place, he wasn't choosy – and they'd make love all night long on top of freshly laundered silk white sheets littered with soft red rose petals.

But of course none of that had happened.

Not only had he had sex with the guy of his dreams without even knowing his name first, they'd done it almost fully clothed – against a wall in the small room over a bar – and he'd come almost immediately – he didn't even want to think about how he'd knotted on the spot too, like an overeager runt.

And then his dream alpha – Bill – had left, while Oliver had been conked out like an asshole.


For once, Edward's voice didn't startle him. Oliver felt too shitty to feel much of any other emotion. He turned to look at his brother, wondering what kind of expression showed on his face because Edward eyed him worriedly.

"Are you okay?" he asked, "You've been off since...well, since –"

"I don't want to talk about it," Oliver interrupted, turning his gaze back to the window.

Edward knew about Bill coming up that night and what had transpired immediately after. They hadn't exactly been quiet, and with the thin walls and Edward's room being just next door...yeah. Edward had been all smirking looks and waggling eyebrows the next morning as they opened up together, but his demeanour had changed when he noticed Oliver wasn't feeling it.

Since he'd woken up alone, he hadn't stopped feeling cold.

Oliver heard Edward sigh, before his brother reached out to pat him on the arm. "Well, whatever it is, I'm sure it'll work itself out."

Oliver resisted the urge to scoff at that, practically glaring out of the cab window like he could melt down the glass. It was raining, which matched his mood, and he could hardly see any of the city as they drove through the crowded streets.

Edward had seemed excited to leave the bar – we never do anything else, Oli, let me enjoy this – even though the reason why they were leaving was because Trinity Kay had asked them to meet her at her abode for the 'talk' she wanted to have with them.

Edward was right though, they hardly ever left the bar. At least, not too far from the bar, to get groceries or walk to the place selling spicy food and warm soups located about five minutes away. They practically never ventured beyond their street.

Since they were literally the only bartenders at Cass, and it opened basically every day, they had time for nothing else. It hadn't been a problem at first – being homeless and lacking in funds or a complete education – it had been a gift sent from the goddess when they'd initially started. A roof over their heads, rent that was cheap as dirt, and warm food in their bellies – what more could they possibly need?

But now that Edward had started talking about finishing school and leaving...Oliver wondered who really could be satisfied with a life like theirs. The staff rotated too much for them to make friends, and the bouncers were the kind of alphas your mother warned you to stay away from.

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