Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

Oliver woke Bill up very early the next morning by planting soft kisses down the back of his throat. He had his back to the alpha, pressed warmly against his chest, Oliver's arm wrapped around his waist. That hand moved to slip behind Bill, in-between his legs to rub against his still slick hole. Bill made a soft sound.

"Can I?" Oliver whispered into his throat. His voice was thick with sleep and desire.

Bill shivered, automatically arching his back, pressing against Oliver's stiff cock. "Please."

Oliver's breath hitched. He gripped Bill's hips, pulling him close before fumbling to push himself in. Bill moaned when he slid home, immediately clenching up around his heat. "Oli."

"Love you," the alpha murmured, kissing his throat again.

Bill's eyes smarted, and he clenched them shut to prevent the tears.

It was slow and languid, the alpha barely awake as he rolled his hips, reaching around to twist one of Bill's nipples, and then cup his cock, stroking in time with his lazy thrusts.

"Oliver," Bill moaned, hitching his hips, moving with him. "Oliver. Oliver."

"Keep moaning my name like that and I won't be able to hold back," Oliver whispered sultrily.


"Cheeky omega."

"Oliver." This time it was more of a sob.

"Come for me."

And Bill was gone, trembling and sobbing softly as he came. Oliver followed suit a few seconds later, gripping his hips and gasping as he knotted. His mouth was attached to the side of Bill's throat, sucking harshly, teeth nibbling.

The tears finally escaped Bill's eyes as he arched, whimpering and feeling vulnerable when his bonding gland swelled.

"Oh fuck, Bill," Oliver groaned, mouthing at it until Bill came again, shaking in his arms. He held him close and didn't stop kissing the back of his neck, and across his shoulders until his knot went down. Then he was immediately spinning Bill around so he could hold him close. "Love you."

Bill shivered. He wanted to say the words back, but they were stuck in his throat.

Oliver didn't seem to mind, stroking his hair and his back.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he whispered after a few moments of silence, Bill almost asleep again.

"Hm?" Bill murmured.

"I mean...about last night," Oliver said softly. "I'm not sure I understand."

"I'm an omega," Bill said simply. The words were matter-of-fact, even though Bill stiffened with apprehension at saying them, stomach roiling with nerves. He braced himself for the disgust, the questions, the confused disbelief.

Oliver automatically stroked across his back like he was trying to calm an agitated cat as he paused to properly digest it. He was still a little confused, but with the way Bill had opened up for him last night, he wasn't going to question it. He'd seen a different side of the other man, had seen him finally open up and be completely vulnerable; he'd soaked Oliver's love up like a sponge.

"Okay," Oliver said, and the way Bill's arms tightened around him, his scent wrapping around him in soft tendrils, Oliver knew he didn't really need to completely understand. If Bill said he was an omega, then he was an omega. Period. "We'll talk about it properly later, yeah? I don't want to do or say anything that might offend you."

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