Mango and Purple

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Next up we have the adoptive father son duo- Mango and Purple



"Will I ever be enough for you?"

The adopted son of Mango, Purple doesn't have wings, instead he has his elytra, and is able to take it off whenever he wants/needs to, has a bag with him that he keeps fireworks in, incase he would ever need them, close friends with the CG

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The adopted son of Mango, Purple doesn't have wings, instead he has his elytra, and is able to take it off whenever he wants/needs to, has a bag with him that he keeps fireworks in, incase he would ever need them, close friends with the CG



"I was wrong. I don't deserve this. Will you forgive me?"

The tall adoptive father of Purple, is incredibly sorry for what he had done in the past, wears two golden horn rings in remembrance of Gold

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The tall adoptive father of Purple, is incredibly sorry for what he had done in the past, wears two golden horn rings in remembrance of Gold


Not sure if he will feature in the story, but imma put him in anyway

Mango, more specifically when he was King Orange

"Revenge will be mine, and you all will pay, dearly."

Stern, with cold yellow eyes and an always present scowl, bright golden crown and a bright red cape, bears many scars, wields the command block staff 

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Stern, with cold yellow eyes and an always present scowl, bright golden crown and a bright red cape, bears many scars, wields the command block staff 

(Again not sure if this version of Mango/King will feature but, I love his design, so imma put his picture here anyway)

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