Chapter 12: Breaking The Control

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Little shorter chapter today. Next one is gonna be a bit of a long and big one. 

Anywho, enjoy. 

(AN: This starts off right as Purple and Mango left, but more so follows their perspective.)

Purple and Mango left the house quickly, making their way to the sand kingdom. The two flew in silence. The only sounds heard was the rhythmic thuds of Mango's large wings, and the occasional crackle of Purple's fireworks, as he would ignite one to keep him flying in the air. Purple looked over to mango. "So what is our plan anyway? Also, if the staff able to make us invisible?"

Mango turned to look at Purple, making the silkwing falter mid air. A stern look was on Mango's face, the exact look Purple had seen and gotten use to on the face of King Orange. Mango noticed Purple's falter and his expression immediately turn to an apologetic and caring one. "I'm sorry. I was just running plans in my mind, and didn't even realize that expression had formed. I won't you to know, my son, that I promise to never let myself become that monster, King Orange, ever again. To answer your question, the staff has the ability to give anyone any potion effects, so yes, it can make us invisible. Why do you ask?"

"Just incase Venomara left guards or Dark left virabots." Purple ignited another firework, propelling himself further.

Mango stopped and hovered. The large palace was right in front of them. "Purple, there. Where we blasted the hole in the wall freeing Second and Chosen. Looks like they never took the time to fix it."

The duo made it over to the opening, and landed inside the room. "Hmm, looks like Dark removed everything from this room." Purple scanned the area as he removed his elytra, sliding it into his bag.

Mango pulled out the staff, gripping it tightly. "Stay on guard."

They went to the door and opened it. Three doorways were in the area. One right across from them, one to the left, and one to the right. "Let's try the one to the right." Purple walked over and opened it. A long hallway was on the other side. "Hmm, must be the doorway to the throne room, or at least other parts of the palace."

Mango walked to the door across from them. He opened it. Inside were multiple desks covered in all sorts of papers. In the corner sat a very basic, run down bed. "Purple, I found something. Looks to be Dark's living quarters."

Purple ran over. "Maybe there is something in here!" He raced in and began looking at the papers scattered on the desk.

Mango walked over and begun to help. After a few minutes of searching, Purple gave up and flopped onto the bed. Mango then picked up a paper. "Purple, I found something. Looks to be a journal entry."

Purple was on his feet instantly, racing over to Mango. "What's it say?"

Mango then began to read it. "Everything seems to be going according to plan. Chosen is now presumed dead."

Purple interrupted Mango. "Presumed?"

"Let me keep reading, Purp." Mango looked back at the note. "My creation has worked. A liquid I can lace my virablade with. With this creation, I can slow a dragons heartbeat and breathing and make them look to be dead. They'll assume Chosen has died, and all be an emotional unstable mess, making them all easy targets. Everything is going perfect." Mango looked up after he finished reading the note.

"So is Chosen still alive? Could he be being held here?"

"Possibly. Come on. We have one more room to check." They headed out to the last door. Mango tried to open it, but it was locked. "Sticks, course it is." Mango then used the staff, to make a bright red block appear. He then removed the command block and held the staff next to the bright red block. The staff immediately pulled the block in. Mango gave the staff a quick spin and held it at the lock.

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