Chapter 14: Back Home We Go

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Here it is y'all

The finale, the last chapter

Excuse the shortness.


 Not much else was said. Everyone was exhausted, especially Mango, Chosen, and Second. Everyone then headed back to Doom's house. The queen's all got places in Possibility to stay for the night. They all arrived at their places. No one stayed up to even joke around or celebrate the victory. Everyone was asleep in moments.

The next morning, they all woke up and met outside Doom's house. The queen's all offered to make peace with Queen Corbalily immediately, then offered any help the sandwings might need.

With a bow, the queen's all returned to their kingdoms. Doom turned around looking at the state and mess of his home and the town. Finch came over to him. "I'll see if I can get any townsfolk to help us rebuild." The tribrid raced off.

Doom turned hearing Chosen and Fallen talking.

"You really won't come home with us? Alan's PC is a pretty nice place, and it's safe there."

"Thank you for the offer, Chosen, but I want to stay here. Jade and I can do a lot of help with rebuilding the town. Besides, Venomara is still alive, and Victim ran off to who knows where. I can stay and protect these dragons with my powers."

"Well if you ever decide to come visit, let me show you how to open a portal. It's an ability hollowheads have." Chosen then showed Fallen how to open a portal to the PC. He then had Fallen do it a few times on his own to ensure, the navy hollowhead could do it.

"I'll miss you, Fallen." Chosen walked forward, shaking claws with the rainwing.

"I'll miss you as well, Chosen. Who knows maybe I'll pay a visit. I'll be sure to bring Jade along as well."

Chosen nodded to Fallen and walked over to where Second, the CG, Alan, Purple, and Mango had all their things. "You guys ready to go home?"

Second then raced over to Doom. "If you ever need anything from us, please just send word, especially with Victim still being out there. Cho and I will come deal with our older brother if he's causing problems."

"Thank you. Honestly, for everything." Doom nodded.

Second went back to the others. "Chosen, let's go home."

Chosen focused his powers and opened a portal. Everyone stepped through.

Eight stick figures stepped out of the portal and back onto the desktop. Once they all got through, everyone raced over and just flopped onto the couch.

Mango set his bag down and pulled out the Minecraft block, then passed it to Second. "I believe this is yours. Also, would it be alright if Purple and I crashed here for the night, then headed back to the house in the morning."

Chosen looked at the duo. "Fine with us, as long as Alan's alright with another two sticks staying here."

Alan's voice rang out. "I'm completely fine with that Chosen." They all looked to the PC screen. Alan was on the other side, headset on his head and plugged in. Luckily the portal had sent Alan back to the real world, not trapping him on the PC.

The color gang then led Purple off to their rooms, to get him and Mango a place for the night. Only Chosen and Mango remained on the desktop. The walked over to the couch and sat down. Even Alan had left, rushing to go see his family.

"So if this really over officially?" Mango looked the hollowhead.

"Yes it is. Unless of course Victim decides to reveal his ugly face again."

Both of them laughed, then smiled, hearing Second, Purple, Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow getting into some sort of fun. Pretty soon the five came over and joined the older two on the couch. Second pulled up YouTube and they spent the rest of the day watching videos, happy that finally it was over. 

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