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Alright alright, time to get into the story itself........... Here we go!


 Alan sat at his computer, working on a little animation he was making. He sighed, wondering where the stick figures were and if they were alive, and if they needed him. Suddenly, a portal opened at the bottom of his desktop. Red came out first, tumbling out of the portal, ending up doing a barrel roll, and landing flat on his back. Green came right behind Red, then ran over to help Red back onto his feet. Blue, who was half-supporting Yellow as he ran, was not too far behind Green. Alan looked worried as The Second Coming and The Chosen One did not come through. Quickly grabbing his head set and plugging it into the computer, Alan made sure that the 4 sticks could hear him. "Red, Yellow, Blue, Green, Where's Second and Chosen?"

Red, nodding his thanks to Green for helping him get up, turned around panic setting in. "They were right behind us!"

Green looked around. "I am going back in after them. They may have been caught!"

Green raced to the portal, but was suddenly stopped by Alan's cursor. "Someone's coming through."

An orange hollow-headed stick figure came through the portal. He was carrying a severely injured, unconscious black hollow-headed stick figure.

"Second!" Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow all ran over and hugged him.

Second looked down at Chosen. "He is hurt and needs medical attention immediately. Guys, can you take Chosen to the house and get him settled and begin to help him? I need to talk to Alan for a few minutes." The four friends nodded, came over, grabbed Chosen, took him to their house, got him settled in an extra room of the house, and began to treat his wounds. Second watched them leave then sighed turning to face Alan. "Alan, do you know anything about a grey stick figure that looks like me and Chosen? Maybe specifically one that goes by the name of Victim?"

Alan froze. The name was way too familiar. "Yes, Second, I am familiar with that name. Victim was my first animation. I was younger then, and did some things that I am not to proud of. He is gone though, why do you ask?"

Second sighed. "He is still around, Alan. He had a group of mercenaries take me, Chosen, and Yellow. Luckily, Blue, Red, and Green were there and were able to free us. Alan, Victim is looking for you. I am guessing that since you said that you did things you are not proud of, that Victim is looking for revenge."

Alan sighed, going quiet. He was completely lost in thought, being drawn back to reality when several footsteps sounded The footsteps signaled that the four friends were on their way back.

Second ran over to the gang, worry for his older brother visible in his bright lime eyes. "How's Chosen?"

Blue looked at Second. "He's resting. I left some pain killers in the room for him, and put some cream on his burns."

Second looked at Blue and the worried look in his eyes grew slightly. "Burns?"

Blue nodded. "He had these burns, that almost looked like rope burns, on him. The most evident of the burns were the ones around his wrists and on his neck. Whatever happened to him when he was captured, Chosen sure is lucky to be alive. Don't worry Second, he will be fine. He just needs rest and time." Blue added the last part quickly as he saw the look in Second's lime eyes.

Second sighed in relief, the worried look in his eyes fading away. "As long as he will be fine, that is all I care about." Blue walked over to Second and put his arm around him, to comfort the worried stick.

Everyone looked at each other, and Yellow was the one to ask the question. "So, what now?"

Green had his phone out, his head phones wirelessly connected and resting around his neck. "I guess we just chill now."

A stern voice spoke, making everyone jump. It was Alan. They all had forgotten that Alan was there, because he had gone quiet. "I want you all to stay on the desktop for a while till this blows over. I'm not sure how long this is going to last for, but I will tell you when you can leave again."

Everyone nodded, heading off to go chill.


Author note:


finally got it going...


Chapter 1 is finished and chapter 2 is almost done, with the beginnings of chapter 3 being considered (tis called planning ahead)

As I write this I am getting more and more excited on how this will go

Some point later on today, y'all can probably expect Chapter 1 to drop, if not that means I prob got busy and was unable to drop it. 

Not sure when Chapter 2 or 3 or any future chapters will drop though. Almost the end of the semester, so things are getting busy (finals and big projects), so I might not be able to post the next chapters. I will do my best though.  Chapter 2 may come out during the semester, not sure. You can definitely expect chapter 3 and forward to drop during the summer (as long as life doesn't get busy, or I don't get hit by writers block)

Alright, well that's all from me for now.  Hope y'all enjoyed!!!!!

- BlueTheVelociwing

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