Chapter 9: Fallen But Not Gone Forever

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Be ready, this chapter is quite the doozy..........

Author note: later on in story, italics are Fallen speaking, it's like a flashback


"You're a hollowhead?!" Second couldn't believe his ears. "So you're from Stick City?"
"Jade and I both are." Fallen flicked his metallic wings.

"How'd you end up here? And what happened to you?" Chosen looked at the navy dragon.

"That story isn't for the faint of heart. It may start out sweat, but its doesn't have a happy ending." Fallen sighed. "But, I'll tell. It's time people knew."

"Fallen, when you get to the point when I get in and my story, would you please say it? It's hard for me to say it." Jade limped over curling a wing around the navy rainwing.

"Of course, Jade. Well, here it is."

My story begins with a desktop. The very first thing I remember is a bright light. Thus marking the beginning of a navy hollowheaded stickfigure. That was me. I looked around I was confused and had no idea where I was. Then I saw it. The cursor. I was scared. I looked for a quick escape.

Then I saw him. On the other side of the screen sat him. My animator. He pulled out a headset and I watched as he plugged it into his computer. Then I heard his voice. "Hey there, little stickfigure, you don't need to freak out, I'm not going to hurt you."

I looked at him. Of course I was cautious. How could I know he was telling the truth? "Who are you? Where am I? Who am I?" I asked, still ready to run incase this guy showed any sign of attacking. Instead, a look of curiosity and amazement was on the man's face.

"My name is Drake. You are on my computer. You are called The Fallen One, or Fallen for short."

I pondered this information for a bit, then spoke up again. "So you aren't going to hurt me?"

Drake shook his head. "How could I? You are a sentient living being. Hurting you would be wrong. I have something else in mind. How about we be friends?"

Again I pondered this, then agreed. Drake seemed nice and genuine. Our friendship grew and grew. We become incredibly close. We would play all sorts of games he would bring up on his PC. Some days, when it was raining outside, He would sit at his desk, open YouTube, and we would just watch videos together, laughing and enjoying our time.

One day, we were busy playing a game of tag. I would run around and he would try to tag me with the cursor. I started climbing up all sorts of apps and open windows to avoid him. Well, I slipped and began to fall. I yelled for Drake. He tried to get his cursor to me but wasn't fast enough. Suddenly, I began to hover there. I couldn't believe it. I could fly! Landing on the desktop, I could see Drake was utterly shocked. He muttered something about who happened and opened Google. He then began to search for anything that could help understand why I could fly.

Drake searched for a while, finally finding something although it wasn't much. Apparently another animator also had a run in with hollowheads. Apparently those two hollowheads had all sorts of insane powers. Drake and I immediately set to work on figuring out all the powers I had. My powers were so incredible. I could fly, had control over and could shoot venom and poison, go invisible, and fire lasers from my eyes. The next few days were spent training so I could learn my powers.

Drake soon got a job at a big animation place. So, he was always gone during the day, but he would always be home at night and we would hang out till he got tired. During the day, I was alone and got pretty bored. I messed around with some things on the PC, resulting in accidentally opening a portal at the wifi symbol. I was curious, so I went through. Drake wouldn't be home for hours. I'd just take a look and come back before he got home. Besides, maybe I could find a spot where I could train with my powers and not risk Drake's computer being damaged.

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