Chapter 4: Reunion and A Banquet

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The tall sleek purple dragon spun around, his face lighting up with joy and shock. "Second?!" Purple didn't have time to brace himself as he was tackled to the ground by a hug from the five friends. "Holy sticks! GUYS! No way! I thought this would be a lot harder than I thought it was."

"Well we have no way home so this might still be hard." A stern yet caring voice sounded behind Purple.

Everyone looked up seeing the taller figure. It was Mango. Being one of the tallest tribes, the skywing, made him already pretty tall, but then with his normal height being calculated in, Mango was extremely tall.

Chosen walked over and nodded to Mango and Mango returned the gesture.

Queen Skyfire looked at them. "You know these two?"

Chosen looked to the queen. "Yes we do. Mango and Purple are friends from back home."

Queen Skyfire smiled. "Well a friend of my guests is a friend of mine and the sky kingdom. Blaze, was there an extra room for them?"
Blaze bowed. "Yes, Queen Skyfire."

"Good. Take their things and place them in the room. The rest of you, come. It is time for the banquet."

Blaze grabbed Purple and Mango's bags then took them to the open room. Everyone else followed Queen Skyfire as she led them to the banquet. Red raced forward catching up to the queen. "Your majesty, do we need to wear anything particular or have anything?"

Queen Skyfire smiled. "No of course not. You are my guests and will be treated as such."

As they got closer, the strong smells of the feast began to waft their way. Everyone was in shock as they entered the dining hall. A long table sat in the middle, with spots for dragons all around it. Some dragons were already seated. Servants and chefs bustled around preparing the food and anything else needed for the feast. Guards patrolled the dining hall and two guards sat at the entrance of the large room. Queen Skyfire flared her wing, gesturing to the table. "Pick a spot and get comfortable."

Everyone raced in sitting down. Second took his place next to Chosen. There was a spot of four in the shape of a square and the CG took it. Red and Blue on one side and Green and Yellow on the other. Purple took a seat by Green, and Mango took a seat by his son.

"Welcome to our banquet. I would like to welcome our visitors from out of town. You all may eat now." As Queen Skyfire finished speaking, everyone began to eat. Pretty soon the palace with filled with voices, and laughter as everyone talked. Skywing nobles asked the color gang all about where they were from. Chosen and Second told Blaze and Scorch all about their adventures they had. Purple and Mango were more of a quiet duo, speaking when they needed, quietly surveying the room.

At the end of the banquet, Chosen pushed himself up. "I'll be back, Second, I just need a bit of air real quick." Chosen headed outside.

"Is he alright?" Blaze watched Chosen leave.

Second nodded. "Yes, he is. He just needs to step outside for a few minutes. He'll be back in shortly."

Queen Skyfire nodded. "He can take the time he needs."

Second nodded his thanks as he looked out where Chosen had left.

Meanwhile with Chosen

Chosen got outside of the dining hall. He was never really used to massive crowds. The most he had been around was Second and his four friends and occasionally Purple and Mango when they visited. All the noise and dragons in the room had been a lot for him so he needed to step outside and get some air before going back in. Chosen sat there looking out over the kingdom, his tail lightly flicking back and forth.

"Never were one for crowds were you, old friend?" An unknown voice sounded behind Chosen.

Before Chosen could even have the chance to turn around to see who it was, there was a heavy thump to his head and he crashed to the ground with a soft thud, blacking out.

"Hah, too easy." The mystery voice laughed as he picked up the unconscious Chosen and flew off.

Few hours later

Chosen groaned as he stirred awake. He tried to reached up and rub his pounding head, but a clink stopped him. He looked to his claws. Chains were clipped to cuffs on his wrists. He followed the chains with his eyes, discovering that he was chained to the floor. His wings were also clamped and a muzzle was strapped around his jaws. Chosen tried to ignite fire in his claws or use his laser eyes but he wasn't able to. He was trapped. A door opening made him look up.

"Those chains won't break. I specifically created them to block powers." The figure laughed remaining in the shadows.

Chosen snarled trying to talk, the muzzle shutting him down.

"Oh don't worry, Chosen, you're just the first step in my plan for revenge." The figure laughed as he walked out of the shadows.

Chosen's heart wretched as he watched the bright red figure walk out. A figure he had long assumed dead......

The Dark Lord. 

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