Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

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2 years after the Prologue

An orange hollow-headed stick figure sat on his bed. He had on a pair of headphones that were plugged into his phone, with music playing. Leaning back on the bed frame, the orange stick figure, The Second Coming, would tap his pencil on his sketchbook. He would then get an idea, and began sketching his idea, then go back to tapping. This process would continue as he would work on his latest design in his sketchbook. Second was completely zoned in on his drawing, that he did not even notice the room door open. He jumped when he felt someone tap his foot. It was his older brother, The Chosen One.

"Sec, you there? Blue has been calling you for a while now. Lunch is ready."

Second unplugged his headphones, and turned off his music. "Sorry, Cho. I will be down shortly."

"Alright. See you down there." Chosen turned to leave.

As Chosen left the room, Second caught sight of his wrists and the bit of his neck that was visible, not covered by the collar of Chosen's shirt. Chosen's wrists and neck bore rope burn scars from when he had been captured by Victim. I never realized that his wrists and neck had scarred like that. I wonder what really happened, but he never talks about it. Second grabbed his headphones and wrapped them up. He then leaned over to the cabinet next to his bed, opened the top drawer and slid his sketchbook and pencil in, then laid the headphones on top. After closing the drawer, Second slid off of his bed, put his phone in his pocket, and went to his bedroom door. As he opened it, he could hear voices from the kitchen below.

"Oh my word, could he be any slower?"

"Blue, just be patient. Chosen said that he will be down shortly."

"Do not tell me to be patient, Red. You are the king of impatience."

Second laughed as he watched Blue and Red begin to play fight. "Alright, you two, I'm here. You can knock it off."

Red and Blue stopped. Then both of them went over and began to grab some materials. Blue grabbed a basket, and Red grabbed a large old blanket.

Blue looked at Second. "Took you long enough, Second. Come on! Alan asked us to have a picnic on the desktop. He said that he wanted to talk to us about something."

Green sighed as he headed towards the door. "I wonder what Alan's wants."

"Maybe we will finally be allowed to leave again. It has been two years." Yellow said excitedly, as he opened the door and walked out.

That was what everyone was hoping the conversation would be. It had been two years since their escape from Victim and the mercenaries. Everyone was starting to get bored, and they were wanting to be able to leave again. They did not want to argue with Alan, though. He knew what was best, and they knew he was just trying to keep them safe. Everyone headed out to the desktop. Red laid out the blanket, and Blue began to set out the snacks that they had packed. Everyone sat down and began to eat when they heard the room door open. Alan walked in and sat down at his desk and put his headset on.

"Hey guys, I need to make this quick. I'm going out with some friends in a little bit."

Second looked at Alan. "Oh fun! So, why did you call us out here?"

"As you all are aware, it has been two years since I first told you all to stay on the desktop. Things have been quiet, and there has been no sign of anything. So, I have decided that you all are allowed to leave the desktop again on two conditions."

The color gang could barely keep their excitement down as they looked up at Alan. Red was the one to ask. "What are two conditions?"

Alan smiled, laughing quietly at the stick figures' excitement. "Number one, if you leave, you go in groups, meaning no solo trips. Number two, you always need to have your phones on you and charged with a good battery. That way if anyone would get in trouble you can call for help."

Everyone nodded. Alan's conditions for being able to leave the desktop seemed fair. The color gang then ran right at Alan's cursor and began to hug it, as a chorus of thank-you's sounded.

Alan smiled, then looked away from his PC, turning to the room's window as the sound of a car horn was heard. "My friends are here. I need to go. Chosen, you are in charge while I am away. Everybody have fun, and stay safe." Alan took off his headset, unplugged it, laid it on the desk, grabbed his phone, and headed out.

"So what you guys wanna do?" Second turned to the others.

Blue smiled. "I want to go to the nether. My netherwart supplies are almost out."

Yellow laughed sarcastically at Blue. "Oh yes, what a shame. Your netherwart is almost out. Why not just use the Minecraft block and get more?"

The two began to play-wrestle and everyone laughed. Soon enough, everyone was saying what they wanted to do, and, as expected, everyone had different ideas.

"Guys! Stop!" Everyone then turned to look at Second. "I have an idea." He turned his phone so they could look at it. "There is a festival going on in Stick City. How about we go to that?"

Everyone nodded their agreement. Green then looked at them. "When we get there, we should stop by Mango and Purple's house and see if they want to come with us."

Everyone excitedly ran off to pack a bag for the trip. As Second returned from packing his bag, an orange sweatshirt was thrown at him. "What in the world?" Second looked over in the direction the sweatshirt came from, as Chosen walked out of his room. He was putting on a black sweatshirt, that had red stripes going down the sleeves. "Chosen, what's this for?"

Chosen pulled the hood over his head, adjusting it slightly, then sighed and lowered the hood again. "Second, you and I will completely stick out in the city. This way we can at least blend in a little bit."

Second looked in the mirror, sighing as he looked at his appearance, knowing what Chosen meant. He and Chosen were hollow-heads. They would be the only ones like that. There had been two others like them, but one had disappeared and not made himself seen since their escape from him and the other had died years ago. Second pulled on his orange sweatshirt, smiling at how comfortable it was. The sweatshirt was a solid orange, and had green stripes going down the sleeves. The hood perfectly hid Second, and he let the hood fall and drop to his shoulders. Hearing footsteps, Second looked over seeing the rest of the group was coming over. They all had their bags, and looked ready to go. "We ready guys?"

The gang nodded and they went over to the wifi symbol. Chosen bent down, igniting his powers, and opened the portal. "Hold onto each other and don't forget about the drop."

"Wait guys." Blue then ran off. In moments, he came back, the Minecraft block in his hand. The inventory bar appeared above Blue as he scrolled through the different things in Minecraft. Blue stopped on a set of wing like things. He then pulled five sets of the wings out, and grabbed five stacks of fireworks. After quickly returning the block to its location, Blue handed each of them a set of wings and a stack of fireworks.

"Blue, why did you get each of us an elytra?" Yellow asked as he held the set of wings he had been given.
"The drop will be easier if we are all wearing these. We won't need to hold onto each other and Chosen won't need to worry about trying to catch us. The fireworks are just in case anyone doesn't get their wings out in time and need a boost." Blue looked at Green, as he was about to ask what the fireworks were for.

Everyone put their wings on, and turned towards the portal.

Second smiled. "Alright guys, let's do this!"

One by one, they jumped into the portal. Chosen was at the front of the group. All of a sudden, the tunnel began to glitch out and an opening appeared on the side. A vacuum like effect snagged everyone and yanked them into the side opening. "Everyone hold on!" Chosen called back to the color gang. The group flew right into the bright light at the end of the tunnel. Several loud thuds sounded as they all crash landed. One by one, everyone blacked out from the harsh landing. As a pounding headache began to form and darkness swept onto Chosen, the last thing he heard was an echoing roar.

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