Chapter 5: Vengeance of A Survivor

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(Author's note real quick to start us off: italics at beginning is a flash back)

(Here we go with a whopper of a chapter)

"I've done it! I've actually done it! And no one can stop me!" The bright red hollowhead stickfigure laughed as he floated in the air. The Dark Lord's gaze traveled to the ledge where Chosen lay, too injured and weak to try to stand. Dark's eyes then went to where the orange hollowhead lay in the cliff side. "Heh stupid kid, if he had just stayed out of me and Chosen's business that wouldn't have happened. It's his own fault for getting involved in something he had nothing to do with." With a simple flicked of his wrist, Dark used the viraband to command the Virabots. The spidery creatures went towards the different gateways to the internet. The Dark Lord was moments away from his takeover, and nothing stood in his path. Suddenly, a bright flash of green and all his virabots were gone, exploded. The sound of something teleporting behind him made him spin. It was that orange kid! But how?! Dark had killed him! Dark looked at the kid, he now had a green aura around him and green powers in his hands. The Dark Lord fought back, commanding Virabots at Second, who destroyed them in seconds. Then the next few moments all happened in a blur for Dark. Green flashes. His body floating there. A bright green ray of light. His back hitting the ground. The feeling of dirt and stone below his back as he was pushed across the ground. A massive explosion. Pain. Then darkness.

The Dark Lord gasped awake. He tried to muffle it but a loud scream of pain erupted from him, as he tried to move any bit. Dark managed to move his head slightly and look at his surroundings. He was in a massive crater, green markings all throughout the crater. For a moment, he had no idea how he had gotten there or what had happened. Then it all came back. That orange kid, no.... monster was a better term for him. He had done this. "How long was I out for?" Dark muttered to himself as he tried to push himself to his feet, causing another scream of pain. "Ankle is broken, just great. Who knows what else I have injury-wise." Dark curled his hand into a fist, the noticed his bands on his wrists. They were cracked, but sparked slightly. "Hmmm, looks like they still work. Maybe I can try to summon any surviving Virabots and get them to come to me." Dark then sent out a summoning command, hoping that a Virabot had survived Second's attacks and would come to him. While he waited, The Dark Lord began to see what else he had with his injuries. Bruises and cuts covered his body, but except for his ankle nothing else seemed broken, just a sprained wrist. Dark's gaze landed on his chest. A massive burn scar with streaks of green coming from it, went along his entire chest, even up his neck a bit. He winced, realizing that it should have killed him, that a normal stick would have died to that. But he was no normal stick. He was The Dark Lord and he was going to get his revenge.

Hours passed. Long agonizing hours of The Dark Lord just laying there in pain. He began to assume all Virabots had been destroyed and now he was focused on what he was going to do if Chosen would find him. A soft chittering made Dark look up. He couldn't believe his eyes. Two sparking, and heavily damaged Virabots climbed over the edge of the crater. Dents with green streaks covered the Virabots forms. The creatures immediately came over to The Dark Lord. Using them as support, Dark managed to stand, putting all weight on his good ankle. "How pathetic of me, The Dark Lord, having to use something to help me merely stand." Dark muttered in annoyance but there was nothing he could do. With the help of the Virabots, Dark made it back to the shack. The place was heavily destroyed because of the fight with Chosen. Dark quickly found the medical supplies he had hidden under his desk and set to work patching his wounds. He then turned to his computer seeing that one had survived. Hating to admit it, Dark knew his best bet was to find a place to lay low till he was healed, then he could begin work on his revenge plans. Dark began searching. Pretty soon he located a site that the humans had long abandoned. These abandoned sites were where no-good outlaws would make their bases as they ran from the law. Dark knew he would be around some shady people but he also knew people like Chosen would never go there. Quickly pulling up the address of the site, Dark put it into gateway one. He grabbed what little supplies he had, some of his technology, Virabot blueprints, to repair the two Virabots and rebuild his army, some more medical supplies, some food they had laying around, and a bunch of other little things. Dark then left the shack and made his way to gateway one. He jumped into it and began traveling to the site. Suddenly the tunnel glitched and next thing Dark knew, he went into a bright flash of white, and he felt sand underneath him.

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