Chapter 7: Decision

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Mmmm yes, we love our massive cliffhangers. 

anywho, here we go with the next part, another doozy of a chapter 


 Second flicked his tail. How could he choose? He wanted to get Chosen out of there more than anything, but he also didn't want to give himself to Dark. Second looked over to Chosen. The look in Chosen's eyes begging Second to just run, to just leave him.

"Tick, tock, Second. We don't have all day. Make the choice or I will. Trust me, you don't want me to make the choice, because if I do, things won't end well for both of you." Dark snarled, as he ignited his virablade and began to sharpen the black and red blade.

"So, I give myself up and Chosen goes free?" Second looked at Dark.

"Second, don't!" Chosen struggled against the chains once again

"Yes, little brother you have my....." Dark was then cutoff by the door opening.

A golden-yellow sandwing walked in, flicking her black forked tongue, jet black eyes narrowed on the dragons in the room. "So, these are the two you spoke about? The ones that you seek revenge on?"

"Yes, they are Venomara." Dark turned to the sandwing queen as she walked in.

"That's Queen Venomara to you, Dark Lord. Remember I can end everything here with a snap of my claws." Queen Venomara walked in and circled Chosen and Second. Her barbed tail curled forward and went under Second's chin, careful not to scratch him, and lifted his head up as she looked down to him. "Seems quite skinny, and nothing like the powerful warrior you described to have beaten you."

"Keep your claws off him." Chosen snarled glaring at the queen.

"Chosen, I swear to the cursors. Shut your trap before I shut it for you, permanently." Dark snarled, his annoyance at Chosen visible.

"Is the nightwing being a nuisance, Dark Lord?" Venomara glared at Chosen, infuriated by how he had spoken to her.

"Incredibly." Dark snarled, power surging from his virabands the more his anger grew.

"I believe I can help with that." Venomara held her claw up and the viper that was curled around her neck slithered out to her claws. "FireFang, help Dark Lord with the nightwing nuisance." The dragonbite viper made its way to the ground then went over to Chosen and curled around his neck. "There, now if he keeps acting up, feel free to command FireFang to bite the nightwing. Fang's venom has well, a lasting effect to say the least." With that, the large queen spun and left the room.

Second's lime green eyes, flashing with fear, glanced to the viper around Chosen's neck.

Chosen had tensed up as the viper curled around his neck. He remained incredibly still, any sudden movements could make the viper attack.

Dark then turned to Second, with a small twitch of his wrist, sending out a secret command to the virabots right outside. "Time's up, Second, and since you didn't decide. I'm going to decide for you." Dark laughed igniting the virablade again and walked over to Chosen. He held up the blade and pressed it against Chosen's neck, where he had sliced Chosen already. Pushing the blade onto Chosen's neck, he pressed it in deeper than before, drawing more blood. Blood ran down Chosen's neck, making him snarl in pain, and Chosen's head thumped to the ground.

"CHOSEN!" Second raced over to his brother. As Second began to run, Dark whistled and suddenly something barreled Second to the ground. Second looked at his claws, which were now entangled in virabot webbing, as multiple virabots entered the room.

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