Chapter 10: Loss

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"Chosen! Stay with me! Come on, Chosen! Stay with me!" Blues voice rang out.

Second walked out the door. Chosen lay on the ground. Blue stood by Chosen doing every thing he could to revive the nightwing. "Blue? Is he?" Second began to slightly sob.

"Second, he's gone." Blue looked up, tears streaking down his face.

"No!" Second raced over, crouching down beside Chosen's body.

Green walked over to Second and put his claw to Chosen's neck. "I'm not getting a pulse."

Suddenly, a coded spark flickered up between Second and Green. "What was that?" Green looked at it.

"It came from the bandaged part of his neck." Blue answered, then removed the bandage. He then hissed at what he saw. Code flickered out of the wound on Chosen's neck. "This has been going on for a while. Why didn't he say anything?"
"He must have thought that it was side effects and he would be fine." Yellow walked over placing his wing over the grieving Second.

"Can.... I... Be left... alone with... him? So.... I can.... say goodbye." Second's voice shook with sobs.

"Of course, Second. We'll be inside if you need anything." Everyone then headed inside and closed the door leaving Second with Chosen's limp form.

"Chosen, please, don't leave me. I..... I need...." Second couldn't even finish as he broke into sobs.

"Well, isn't this emotional." A voice sounded from behind Second, then he received a heavy thump to the head. Second dropped to the floor blacking out.

Agent lowered his long stick, gripping it tightly.

"Nice job, Agent. You got him good. Hopefully, it's alright since we only bringing one in since the other is dead. Maybe boss won't get mad, but maybe...."

"Ballista, can you just shut the stick up?" Hazard snarled, glaring at the rambling seawing.

Primal snorted a laugh. "Oh, you know Ballista has been annoying when Hazard speaks."

"Shut it you three. We need to extract the target and not get seen. Remember this was a stealth extraction. Hazard grab the kid. Let's move." Agent hissed at them, then used his tool bar to make the long stick go away. Hazard scooped up Second, pulling the unconscious hivewing onto his back, then lifted into the air. As they left, Agent looked at the nightwing and grabbed his body and flew off.

They arrived at the sky kingdom palace. "Ballista, Hazard, take the target and get him settled in Dark's room. Primal, you know where to take the package. I'll alert the boss we got him."

The mercenaries split off going different directions. Agent arrived at the throne room. He could hear voices from inside.

"By now, Chosen should have fallen, the effects having fully kicked in." Dark flicked his tail.

"Well, we are wanting to test your new creation, Dark Lord. So how do we want to do that?" Venomara eyed them as she sat on her throne, flicking her forked black tongue.

"I'll just grab one of Second's dear friends. If it fails and kills 'em, no big deal." Dark shrugged.

Agent then walked up to Victim, who sat there quietly watching the two speak. "Sir, we got him."

"Well done, Agent. Go to your post, I'll contact you if I need you again."

The silkwing nodded and left the room quickly.

Victim then smiled at Dark. "Brother, you have a guest in your room."

Dark smiled. "Perfect. I'll head over to him right away. Looks like we found our perfect test subject."

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