Chapter 3- Before A Throne

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SURPRISE!!!!!!! Got Chapter 3 done.

It's amazing what you can do while sitting in an airport waiting for your flight to board. 

The artbook will come just probably later or tomorrow. 

I may be able to do chapter 4 today as well. I definitely will work on it, while waiting for my flight. 

Anywho lets not delay anymore 

Welcome to Chapter 3


"I present to you our great and mighty queen, Queen Skyfire."

One by one, everyone bowed to Queen Skyfire. As he bowed, Second looked up. The throne was a ruby red and was adorned with gold and jewels of all different colors. The skywing that sat atop it radiated power and royalty. Upon her head was a bright, glittering, golden crown that was decorated with rubies. She wore a long, flowing cape, that was patterned with the colors of a glorious sunset. Her bright amber eyes, although having a stern, commanding look, also had a hidden look of compassion and care as she looked down upon the strangers.

"Blaze, where did you find this colorful ragtag group of dragons?"

"On the beach of the sky kingdom, your majesty. They had washed up there."

"Are they threats?" Queen Skyfire eyed the group.

Scorch looked at the queen. "Well the nightwing flung a fireball at my head, so there's that."

Chosen snarled as he walked forward. "You were threatening my brother. So excuse me for being a protective big brother."

Scorch walked forward till he and Chosen were right in front of each other. "I was not. I was trying to bring him here so the tide didn't wash him out to sea."

"Yah right! I highly......"
"ENOUGH!" Queen Skyfire's commanding voice rang out. Scorch and Chosen both backed off. "Scorch, go patrol the beach and make sure there's no one else washing up. You, nightwing, I don't have to offer shelter to you and your friends. Act up like that again and you'll be looking for a new place to stay." Queen Skyfire snarled, glaring at Chosen.

Chosen nodded then backed up taking his place right by Second's side. "Terribly sorry, your majesty, I guess I am tense because is being unsure where we are and if we will manage to get home."

Queen Skyfire sighed glancing at him. "Scorch can tend to be a bit of a hot head a bit, and he can act without really thinking. He probably meant well just went the wrong way of doing it. If you wouldn't mind, could you please state the names of each member of your group?"

Second took charge of that one. "My name is Second. This is my older brother, Chosen. Those 4 are brothers. Their names are Yellow, Green, Blue, and Red. Should be easy to tell who goes with what name."

Queen Skyfire nodded. "Delighted to meet each of you. Blaze, would you mind taking them to the guest rooms and getting them settled. There are 4 rooms in one area that are available. Allow them to divide into groups how they would want. Oh, and send General Firestorm in to me, I know he was near the guest rooms."

Blaze bowed to Queen Skyfire then turned to the group. "Come with me. The rooms are this way."

Everyone turned following Blaze down the long hallways adorned with bright red and yellow tapestries. Through the open windows of the hallway, skywings could be seen flying all throughout the kingdom. Laughter could be heard a dragonets ran and played. Cheers could be heard as skywings cheered for the sporting events occurring. The strong smells of a what could only be described as a feast being cooked came into the hallways catching the noses of everyone there.

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