Chapter 11: It All Goes Down Hill From Here

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Been a few days since, since chapter 10 came out. 

I would have gotten this out sooner, but I got hit with a form of writer's block. I had this whole chapter planned out, but I just couldn't get myself to write it. 

Well, I'm all good now. And ready for this chapter. 

As I was planning ahead, I noticed something. We are slowly approaching the end of AOTA:ANW. There aren't too many chapters remaining, with the way I am planning this. Well, we'll talk more about what happens after once I finish this book. I want to focus on this one first. 


I know you aren't here for my rambling. Y'all are here for chapter 11. So, I'll stop rambling and let you get to chapter 11. 

Enjoy! Cya in chapter 12!


(Author Note: This backs up just a little, beginning of this chapter is right as Second gets taken)

As Blue, Yellow, and Green entered back into the room, a solemn vibe could be felt around the room. The CG wiped away tears that trickled down their faces. Purple, who had tears running down his face, leaned against Mango, who just curled his wings around Purple, a solemn look on his face. Jade was curled up against Fallen, who was trying to not to cry, because he had lost his friend. They all just sat in silence for a while, no one speaking or even moving. Eventually, a soft voice then sounded.

"Mom? Why is everyone sad?" Dusk looked up Wisdom.

"Because dear, someone very important was just lost."

"Can't we find them again?" Dawn sat next to her twin.

"No, little one, we can't. He's gone for good."

Doom looked up, then walked over and sat by Mango. "How was Second? I could tell those two were close."

"He took it hard. Incredibly hard. He asked to be alone so he could say goodbye. They were incredibly close. They were brothers."

"I can't imagine losing a brother. But he's been out there for a little while, should we check on him?"

Yellow got up, folding his wings, which were curled around his brothers, back in. "I'll check on him." He opened the door then yelped in shock. Yellow came racing back in. "He's gone! Second's gone!"

"Where could he have gone?" Red was on his feet instantly, followed by Green, Blue, and Purple.

"I don't know, but Chosen's body is gone as well." Yellow removed his glasses wiping any remaining tears off, then put them back on.

"Maybe Second took Chosen's body to bury it." Purple looked at Yellow.

"Maybe, but why not say anything to us? On another note, we should probably go alert Queen Skyfire of Chosen's untimely passing." Green flicked his wings.

Everyone nodded and got up to leave. Suddenly several loud thumps sounded, followed by calls for help. Doom rushed to the doorway. Blaze, Scorch, General Firestorm, and an injured Queen Skyfire stood there. "What happened?"

Skyfire looked at Doom. "The sandwings attacked the sky kingdom. The palace was destroyed. We barely got out. Venomara had help, though."

Blaze then spoke next. "Yes, a red skywing with crazy blades that deleted anything or anyone they touched, a grey silkwing with four odd dragons, I think they were two mudwings, another silkwing and a seawing, with him, a horde of spider like creatures and.... " Blaze trailed off

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