Chapter 13- The Final Battle

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Tension floated around the area as Dark and Second stared at each other. They were both waiting for the other to make the first move. Victim and his mercenaries went over to Venomara, and her army landed behind her. The CG, Purple, Mango, Chosen, Fallen, Jade, Doom, and Finch all grouped up, after Chosen freed everyone from the virabot webbing. Queen Skyfire, Wisdom, the three dragonets, Blaze, Scorch, and General Firestorm were all watching from the a window in Doom's house.

The two brothers stalked forward and began to circle each other. Tails were lashing, powers were crackling, eyes were narrowed, and growls rumbled in their throats.

Suddenly, Dark flicked a wrist and multiple virabots shot over at Second, trying to take the hivewing by surprise. Second spun hitting virabots pack with his tail, then launching green flames to finish them off. In between virabot attacks, Dark would charge at Second and the two would get locked in combat. Second would shoot into the air and Dark would follow, only to be blasted back to the ground. Dark made multiple spikes float up around him and flicked his wrist and the all the pikes shot at Second. Second held out his claw, pulling up a boulder from the ground and held it in front of him. The spikes would hit the boulder and delete it.

Dark then teleported behind Second, using his back legs to land a strong kick onto Second. The hivewing crashed to the floor with a loud thud. Second lay on his side, wings flayed out behind him, his legs splayed. His chest rose and fell, and he grunted in pain. Dark landed behind Second and laughed, placing a claw onto Second's neck to keep him down.

"Even with your powers, little brother. You'll never beat me. I've gotten stronger through the years. You should just give up, surrender to me, and maybe I'll spare your friends Come back under my control. With a bit of work, I can redo the control I had on you and we can bring everything back to what it was." Dark ignited a virablade and pressed it against Second's neck. "Or you can keep fighting and die. This time my blade isn't laced with anything to make you look dead. You will actually die."

Second snarled. His tail then suddenly swung forward and jabbed itself as hard is Second could manage into Dark's back leg. Blood streamed from the wound and a howl of pain and anger sounded from The Dark Lord.

Dark snarled, pressing down tighter on Second's neck, bringing the blade closer. Suddenly, something hit Dark right in the face making him get sent back. Dark got up, anger radiating from the skywing. Mango stood there, the command block staff gripped tightly in his claws. He had just decked Dark in the face with it.

Igniting the Virablade, Dark shot forward, aiming right for Mango's heart to end him. Suddenly, lasers hit Dark in the side and sent him back, with a loud crash into another house. Chosen snarled as he walked forward, evident that he had been the one to fire the lasers.

Second walked over to Chosen and Mango. "We take him down and end this?"
"We end this, now." Chosen nodded, flames igniting at his claws. Mango stood next to Chosen, gripping the staff tightly, his golden eyes narrowed, almost having a cold, stern look, that brought memories to Second.

Second then got an idea. The hivewing dashed to Doom's house and went to his room. He opened his bag, and pulled out an odd cube. "The guys are going to kill me when they find out I brought this but, whatever." He then used his powers to get back there even faster. "Mango! Catch!" Second threw the block at him.

Mango caught it and looked at it in shock. It was the Minecraft block. "Second? What's going on?"
Second stood next to Chosen, both hollowhead brothers having their powers ignited. "I think it's time we let King Orange get involved."

Mango shook his head. "No, absolutely not. I promised Purple that I would never let myself become that monster again."

Second looked at him. "Dark has gotten stronger, way stronger than Chosen and I combined. If we don't stop him, he will defeat us, and go after everyone else. My friends, our new pyrrhian friends, Purple, all of them."

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