Prologue: A Shot Heard 'Round The World

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No Ones POV

The TV was blaring in the background, the lights flickering and lines blurring the clarity of the video screen. The entire world seemed so eerily quiet. It was as though a wave of silence flooded the land. The people had their eyes glued to the pretty lady in pink talking on the screen.

"The latest reports on the serial killings of people, men, women, and children, are starting to unfold. The detectives are working the pieces together, but one anonymous tip may just change the world. These murders have been happening at insanely high rates, numerous deaths every day for the past while, it seemed. The deaths were brutal, the victims' bodies usually mauled and torn apart."

People held their breath as they waited for the lady to drop the news. Everyone was terrified. People were dying left and right and it seemed as though no one could pinpoint the cause. It was always just a matter of who was next?

In the game of life, who dropped out first?

"The gold dust that appeared randomly next to the murder site was connected. This is the case of mythological creatures from the Ancient Greek and Roman stories. Yes everyone, you heard me right. The mythological monsters are real. And they're right here with us."

The silence had now been lifted. People shuffled in their seats as they glanced at one another. This all just seemed like a joke. This lady in pink just had to be joking. Sure, murders at such a fast rate was scary. But blaming it on so-called monsters was just ridiculous.

There was just one man who slowly excluded himself from the store, holding his freshly bought groceries close to himself, as a remorseful and scared expression settled over his face. His eyes flashed dangerously, but he composed himself to not draw attention.

The spotlight was on him and his family now.

The two worlds that they have fought so hard to keep apart are now finally being forced together. The veil has dropped and the nightmares and horrors of his world are now being exposed to the fragile mortals they have fought and died to save all this time.

In the brisk walk back to his home, which seemed to have gone so fast because he was lost in thought, the man could do nothing but think about his family. They were finally safe. Nothing to worry about. Nothing to fear.


How little time it lasts.

Finally, the seagreen eyes met with the worried look cast over the gray ones, and the two people hurried back to the one place they called home to muster up a plan.


Even there is not safe any longer.

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