Chapter 13: All The Single... SHIELD Agents??

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Will Solace's POV

With a demigod's ADHD and the childlike nature of literally all of the Avengers, staying focused was just as hard as that made it seem.

But we made it work.

Thursday came faster than we expected and all of the agents shuffled in like the owned the place. With them there, we were now restricted to the common rooms with the Avengers, not allowed to move floors, went back to not being able to eat good food, and now all currently sleep on the floor of the broom closet, with not one, not two, but THREE guards standing outside of it.


Amazing treatment, am I right?

I feel like a king.

"GET UP!" one of the guards shouted, banging his elbow into the door. Ugh. This idiot was always so loud and annoying. He'd literally randomly wake us up in the middle of the right, literally right after I fall asleep (cuz the cuffs and collar are SO uncomfortable), and make us stand outside. All of us grumbled and slowly stood up before he barged in and took a swing at us.

Half awake and fully tired, we stood outside in a single line as he just leaned against the door on his phone, smirking at our annoyance. Twenty minutes later, we're allowed to go back inside and try to fall asleep, before we get disturbed and it all happens again.

"Woah, why are you guys so tired?" Bruce asked, concerned at the dark bags that grew under our eyes.

"Barely got any sleep last night," Percy muttered, clearly irritated. "Can you sneak us some good food before the little bots come in?"

Bruce nodded and quickly handed each of us a pancake, which we shoved into our face as fast as we could before the SHIELD people came in. They have us little bowls of white porridge stuff that they serve three times a day that tastes absolutely horrid.

"Hey Neeks," I murmured, as we sat on the floor and tried to eat whatever the Hades that was (I'm telling you, the consistency is unnatural).

"'Morning," he whispered. I have never been happier since I had started dating Nico.

We silently talked as we ate breakfast together, switching to Ancient Greek so that the other soldiers wouldn't hear. The rest of the demigods piped in every now and then as well.

I think Percy and Annabeth had a particularly bad night, even with the little amount of time we could sleep, because Annabeth's eyes had thick purple bags and Percy had a bruise on his cheek. My guess, she had a nightmare that didn't wake us up, but she accidentally hit Percy during it.

I feel so bad for them two.

If anything was served the worst fate, it was them. It seemed as though literally every single horrible thing happened to the both of them. And after Tartarus... I thought they wouldn't recover. They went from war after war to being held prisoner in the pits of hell and tortured for two whole years. Their PTSD and nightmares were horrible.

The monster attacks were getting worse, but we couldn't do anything to help. We're not even allowed to be anywhere without being within seeing distance of another guard, much less out fighting monsters. The avengers are really helpful though, they go out and fight them for us.

I really wish I could get in contact with the other demigods. I really want to find my siblings and make sure that they're okay. In the head of the cabin, it's my job to protect them. I know we're only half siblings, but I love them like a full one.

Living at the Avengers' compound could have been amazing under different circumstances. I swear to all of the gods, I am so serious about that. Like, literally, the other day, I was walking down one random hallway, humming. Like normal, sons of Apollo do.

"All the single ladies, all the single ladies!" I was singing to myself, walking around. I was kinda swishing around and my eyes were closed, when I actually bumped into something hard. I thought I hit a wall and, opened my eyes to see that I walked into a SHIELD agent! "All the single... A SHIELD AGENT! HOW MANY OF YOU ARE THERE??"

Yeah that didn't age well.

"We're going to go out to talk to Fury tomorrow," Natasha whispers to me as we passed by each other in the hallway. I passed the information on to the rest of the demigods. Hopefully our plan works out and we're able to fight this threat.

But after this, I'm done. I don't even think I can put up with the gods' crap anymore. They won't even help while their children are being treated like criminals. Even Percy's dad, which surprised me. His dad usually cares about him, at least more than the other gods do for their kids. But even he is silent.


I'm not putting up with this anymore.

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