Chapter 6: We Don't Got Home Turf Advantage When They Carry The Big Guns

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Anyone's POV

When the people attacked camp, the demigods were all ready, but that didn't mean they weren't terrified. So many people dressed in a tight black piece jumped down from the helicopter that flew itself right over the camp. Large spotlights danced around the fields and booming voices were heard from the speakerphones.

"Drop your weapons and surrender, mutants! This is SHIELD, a government agency created to protect the world from your kind!" the voices said.

The children were confused. They didn't understand what they meant by "our kind". They were humans too, were they not?


The people that dropped down from the helicopters lifted up their guns in defense as they quickly made their way to the camp. The demigods that were standing surrounding the border held up their weapons. The two forces faced each other, each just as threatening despite the differences in age, but yet not daring to make the first move.

"I repeat, drop your weapons and surrender!" the voice called out. The kids glanced around at each other. They have to be joking, right? They're pointing guns at the faces of people — teenagers and younger (mostly younger) — and telling them to drop their weapons?

Nobody moved.

The people in the tight outfits attacked the demigods staged at the border first. They fought valiantly and tried their hardest.

But bows and spears do little against the bullets gliding a million miles per hour straight at their bodies.

A green eyed boy, Perseus, the one they all claim to be too loyal for his own good, jumped in front of a bullet raging towards a thirteen year old child. Why a thirteen year old child was standing on the border, sword in hand, for protection was beyond the attackers.

But they had orders.

And orders they must follow.

Even if it means attacking little kids.

Besides, according to Perseus, at least for his own justification for his actions that resulted in him having a bullet tear its way through his upper right abdomen and left shoulder was that thirteen year old children shouldn't have to face so much pain.

Not like he had.

No, he was damaged and broken and felt too much pain.

He was well beyond repair.

But he'd be damned if he let another child suffer as he had. Suffer has he been forced to. They were pawns, but Perseus wouldn't let another piece be the sacrificial one.

Not if he could help it.

The men and women in the tight outfits seemed to regret it. They seemed to hate the sound of the bullet crashing through the bodies of children almost half their age. But, again, they had orders.

And orders they must follow.

Most of the older and more experienced fighters from the camp were now taken down. The children had given up once their leaders seemed to have fallen. The leaders being the green eyed boy from before and the gray eyed girl that had run up in his defense after his knees buckled and he fell to the ground in pain.

Huge trucks drove over to the campsite. They were camouflage green in color, the military print splattered all over the outside of the vehicle. The people grabbed the children and zip tied their hands behind their backs and dragged them harshly back towards the trucks, throwing them into the open back.

The two leaders — who were, again, only teenagers — were taken into a different truck. The head of SHIELD had special plans for them. How did two teenagers become the leader of so many mutants? These children seem experienced in fighting, the leaders seemingly the best of them. Where and how had they learned to fight? Where do they get their sense of battle strategy from? The leader of SHIELD needed to get this information, and, honestly, he didn't care how.

Alas, in the end of it all, the camp was barren.




There was no one there. No children running around, lightening the place with their cheerful moods. All there was remaining was broken pieces of land.

And blood.

Lots and lots of blood had been spilt.

And whose fault was that?

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