Chapter 16: Finally A Little Bit Of Luck On Our Side

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Tony Stark's POV

It took three sleepless nights before I was finally able to figure out how to get the technology off of the demigods without alerting the higher-ups.

"The cuffs and collar alert people in SHIELD and Fury when the heat signatures of a person are no longer being read by the sensors on the inside. I've designed these artificial skin samples that we can slip into the cuffs so that the cuffs would still believe it is on a person, without alerting Fury. The skin needs to be made after taking cell samples from each of you, though," I explained to the demigods, showing them a diagram that only Annabeth seemed to understand. "I'm not certain whether the cuffs have adapted to your bodies so I don't want to risk taking off the cuffs and it still alerting Fury because the artificial skin doesn't match you. After that, I can alter the signal on my end and make it seem like you guys are moving around as normal."

"That's a brilliant plan, Tony, good work," Annabeth told me, making me smile. It's weird to think that the most brilliant and rich person in the world, me, Tony Stark, is getting satisfaction by hearing the words "good work" by a 17 year old kid.

But she's a daughter of Athena, the goddess of wisdom.

So that's got to count for something on the credibility factor.

"When do you think we can get this up and running?" Clariese asked.

"If I take the samples today, I can have everything ready by tomorrow night, hopefully," I replied.

"You have to sleep Tony. We're all so grateful for all that you're doing for us, but you're no help sleep deprived. Take rest first and then continue working," Percy told me, looking concerned. I gave him a soft smile back. Percy was never the smartest of the bunch, but he cared for people and he always looked out for them.

I admire that the most in him.

"Sure, an hour, but I've gotta– Oh, okay! Fine! I'll sleep for 3 and that's the max!" I exclaimed, my initial 1 hour nap being rejected by a look from Percy.

The rest of the demigods cleared out and soon it was just me and Percy left in the lab.

"I really want to go visit my mom. You know she's had a kid? My younger sister. I never even got to see her yet," Percy told me. I felt so bad for him. His family meant the world to him and, because of all this crap, he couldn't even see his mom or his new baby sister.

"I'm sure you'll be a wonderful big brother. You're already so overprotective of the younger demigods."

"They deserve someone looking out for them. They don't deserve to suffer," Percy said, not seeing anything wrong with those words.

"You don't deserve to suffer either Percy. You're allowed to have someone looking out for you too."

"It's too late for me now," he said, starting to blink back tears. I walked over to him and gave him a hug.

"It's never too late," I told him forcefully. I need him to understand that. I love Percy like a son. He didn't deserve anything that he was forced to go through. I wish that I could just protect him, but he's being hurt in my own home. I just need this threat to go away and then I'll solve all his problems. He can see his mom. He can see his sister. He can hang out with me and live the rest of his life without worrying of dying.

We sat in a simple silence for a few minutes before Percy broke it.

"It would be easier if I just handed myself up. It would save everyone so much pain. The pit man just wants me. If I hand myself over, he would be satisfied and then there would be no war. We just got out of the last one. The camp can't take another war, not so soon and not in the middle of this entire mess. In fact—"

"Percy, do you even hear yourself?" I asked him softly, my voice deep with emotion. "There are so many people here that love you. Please. Handing yourself over isn't the solution. We need you here, alive and safe."

"What use am I as a hero if I can't even protect my family, Tony? I can save them now if I just hand myself up. I get nightmares every night of Tartarus and, lately, it's been starting to get more real. He's been telling me things. I just need to surrender myself and everyone else can be safe. Sure, I'll die, but I'll be happy in the afterlife. There are so many people waiting for me."

"Don't you see Percy? Tartarus is the villain here. Him talking to you isn't helping. Are you sure that the guy incharge of all of hell would really keep up with his promises?"

Percy stayed silent, but I was on a roll at this point.

"I understand that you've suffered so much in your life, but it's okay to rely on someone else for once. You're still a kid. You don't have to be everyone's hero. It's hard, I understand, but that's the truth. There are so many people waiting for you in your world after death, but think of the people you're leaving behind here. Think of your mom. Your sister. Annabeth. They would be heartbroken without you."

"You too," he whispered softly. "You're like family to me too Tony. I love you too."

"Yeah kiddo. I'm not ready to have a Percy-shaped hole in my heart just yet."

"I'm scared, Tony," Percy said quietly, leaning in next to me. I gave him a one handed hug. "I'm so tired of all of this. All the wars. All the pain. I just don't know anything else. Who am I unless I'm fighting? Am I really not good for anything else? The gods have always used me like I'm just a pawn, moving me around and forcing me to do what they say. To keep the people I love safe, I don't mind it, but it gets so tiring. And I'm so scared."

"I'd be worried if you weren't kid," I told him, pulling him in closer. "It's okay to be scared. After we get through this, I promise I'll try my very, very best to keep you safe."


In his world, is that even an option?

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