Chapter 19: The Beginning Of The End

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Natasha's POV

"You want to tell me what the hell is going on Romanoff?" Fury growled at me from the other side of the table. I rushed towards the meeting site once I got the text message, but the room had been filled with silence ever since.

"You got to be more specific than that director."

"Now is not the time for jokes Natasha. Do you think we are fools? I see all the movement at the camp. Why are your demigods released? What are you guys doing there? The monsters you are fighting..."

"There is a war going on Fury, and SHIELD and the government refuse to help. You imprisoned every person that was able to fight them. You listen to me know, director, and let the demigods go so they can help in the fight."

Fury rubbed his temples as the stress of the situation started to build up. He banged his hands hard against the table.

"Good god Natasha, you have to give me more than that! There's so much pressure from the council and the government."

"Seriously, Fury? The freaking Greek gods are real. Monsters are real. Demigods are real. These children have gone through two whole wars in the past couple of years without our knowledge. They have this thing called the mist that covers their world from ours. But lately, the enemy stole the goddess in charge of the mist and it fell, that's why we can see everything now. But what does the government do? Quickly step up and detain all the kids that have been fighting to save our lives this whole time."

"It's not like they said anythin–"

"Damn it Fury, they were in a detainment center! They were scared! These are children. The oldest is like eighteen. They've spent their whole lives hunted. It's fight or be killed for them. You putting them in cells, cuffing them, torturing them, selling them isn't helping anyone."

I let out an exasperated sigh as I forced myself to get control over my emotions. I put on a neutral face and turned to stare Fury down.

"You have to release the demigods now. And send them to camp so they can fight."

He clenched his jaw but, after a minute, finally have a crisp nod.

"They will be there in a couple of hours."

I sharply turned and left, knowing that I have to get back to Long Island to help with the fight as quickly as I can.

I got back onto the stolen motorcycle and quickly made my way back.

Soon enough, I got back at camp and spread the word that reinforcements were coming. The demigods cheered in joy knowing that their friends were now free and they have more help.

We held down the fort for as long as we could, fighting till our last breath, until, all of a sudden, I saw a whole horde of children running up from the top of the hill.

"Yo! What was with the hold up!" Percy screamed from somewhere beside me.

"Traffic was horrible!" another kid from the top screamed back. I tried to figure out who it was, but he and the other kid next to him ran so fast down the hill and ended up right next to me. Wait. they looked exactly the same.

"We're the Stoll brothers!" they said at the same time. Ah yes. Travis and Connor Stoll. I've heard about them from Percy. "You've got a knife I can borrow?"

I nodded and reached over to my side to pull it out, but I couldn't find it there.


"Don't worry, I already got it!" one of them said, laughing his head off, twirling my knife in his hand.

Oh gods.


Son of Hermes. God of tricksters and thieves.

These people were going to annoy the crap out of me so I moved my fight elsewhere.

Monsters kept on coming, but I could see that the number was slowing down. With this many demigods on our side, things were finally looking up. A couple of hours later, the battle field was empty.

I finally got a minute to hold my breath when...

"Natasha!" I heard a girl scream from beside me. I turned around and saw Annabeth. She was covered in grime and monster dust and head to toe with cuts and injuries. "Have you seen Percy anywhere? I can't find him!"

I scanned the battle ground. I was just about to say that I don't know where he is when I saw fast paced movement at the top of the hill. There's only one person I know that fights that well.

"Let's check up that hill!" I yelled back at her. The two of us took off, running towards the top when, behold, I saw Percy fighting some strange creature.

"Annabeth, wait, I've never seen that before? What monster is th—" I started to ask her, trying to figure it out.

But then I saw her face.

She looked white as a ghost, her skin suddenly pale and her knees weak.

"Oh my gods, thats–" she began, but her voice caught up in her throat. And that's when it dawned on me.

"Oh gods, that's–"

"Tartarus himself," Tony called out, flying in and hovering above the ground right next to us. He stepped out of his suit, looking just as pale as Annabeth. "Oh my gods, how is Percy fighting him?"

The fighting was just a whirlwind of power. I'm not sure how Percy even has the strength, this boy has been fighting for hours on end with numerous injuries. Tartarus was way too overpowered, even against the extremely powerful son of the Sea God.

Swords clashed against each other, the only sound made on the now silent battlefield. The monsters were all gone, but Tartarus alone stood there, fighting against our bravest demigod.

The end has almost begun.

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