Chapter 15: Literally The Last Person I Want To Talk To Right Now

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Annabeth Chase's POV

When we got the Iris message, I was so pissed off, I couldn't even control my tongue. When their ugly faces showed themselves through the rainbow, I didn't even hesitate to start shouting and yelling curses that even Percy Freaking Jackson, my wonderful boyfriend that bad mouths literally all the higher ups, started to tell me to stop.

"I need all of the SHIELD agents in this room to clear out for the time being," Steve shouted out, forcing all the people to leave the room and let us have the area to ourselves. The Iris message came but, without the mist to cover it up from the mortals, everyone would have a peek into our private message. Obviously the Avengers would be allowed to listen, but we needed the stupid government spies to get their butts out.

"Children, we need to talk," that jerk face of a mother I have started to say. My cheeks flushed red in anger. "As you all know, we're in a bit of a predicam—"

"Are you gods damn serious right now?" I yelled, training my voice to remain somewhat quiet so that the SHIELD people don't hear our conversation. "There is no way the freaking goddess of wisdom is talking like this. You abandoned us. Not like this is a new thing, but the entire mist falls and you leave us here to face the punishment of your existence."

"I wouldn't be talking like that girl," Hera said, her voice stern. "We are the godde—"

"Shut it peacock face!" Seaweed Brain yelled in my defense. "None of you can even be bothered to help your kids that are being locked up in prisons and treated like animals. None of yall did anything when you forced us to fight in your wars, but this at least puts your butts at risk too but you just went into hiding and left us in the front lines."

"It's not like I didn't want to come," Apollo whined. "I swear I did but my father locked us up here in Olympus!"

Oh like that's an excuse.

"You're a freaking god Apollo," I said. "You still let daddy set your curfew?"

"Don't speak to me in that tone child, you should be grateful that we're even calling you!" Zeus shouted, his voice causing thunder to rumble through the sky.

"I think we should all settle down—" Poseidon started to say, holding his hands up as if to expel peace from his palms.

"Not now dad!" Percy grumbled. Funniest thing was when he tried to cross his arms but he couldn't because of the cuffs. Like, I swear to the gods, you don't think how much you actually move around your arms until they're restricted in one position.

"I'm really sorry son, I hope you know that. I would have loved to have been there to help you, but old thunderhead locked us up here," his dad told him, sounding apologetic. Other than Apollo, Poseidon, Hestia, and Artemis, I hate all of the other gods. Those four are the only kind ones that actually like and help demigods.

"Can we get back to the matters at hand, we don't have much time," Athena, my mother, said, starting to sound angry. Whatever. "The monster attacks are starting to pile up and we recently received a message from Tartarus himself. He is the head of this army and wants to get revenge against the demigods for killing his wife, Gaea. In particular, he wants Percy and Annabeth. The demigods are now all dispersed throughout the country, some still in the detainment center, but most sold out to companies that need their powers. With the cuffs dimming their abilities, demigods are powerless against the monsters and Tartarus' plan is to get rid of them that way. You must figure out a way to stop Tartarus and end this madness!"

"Great pep talk, but–" I began to say once Athena finally stopped blabbering, but the rude goddess cut off the call immediately. "Gods damn it, she didn't even say goodbye."

As much as I hated to admit it, the information was useful. He was seeking revenge on behalf of his wife and wanted Percy and I in particular. That can definitely be used to draw him out.

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