Chapter 8: There's No Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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Percy Jackson POV

They collected all of our weapons first. I don't even want to know what they did to all the weapons that we had back at camp, but they took all of our weapons. They tried to ask where my sword was, which was safely in pen form in my pocket, but I said that I left it on the camp grounds after I was freaking shot by them.

I got a slap for my "insubordination" and a rough frisking down, which I'm pretty sure was a reason for them to press down hard on my bullet wound and make me cry out.

Gods dam I would kill for some ambrosia and nectar right now.

Was there even a way out of here? Annabeth and I kept on being taken in for questioning and I had no idea what to do. Whenever they took one of us, they took the other too. It took us two rounds for us to realize that they weren't hurting the other enough to make them scream, but enough to try to force the other into thinking that they had.

The other campers were scared, I knew that much, though I couldn't actually talk to them on my own. The ones that shared cells with each other, which was literally everyone except me and my Wise Girl, tried to comfort each other, but there wasn't much that you could do once you're going to be "detained for the rest of your life".

I know that it was just my fatal flaw that's acting up, but what was I supposed to do to help everyone here? These children don't deserve it because, well, the key word is that they ARE JUST CHILDREN.

Why don't these dam SHIELD people understand that?

I really appreciated Nat and Tony. They both really did try their best to help us out. Compared to the rest of the soldiers of SHIELD, they treated us nicely. They tried to slip us some information whenever we were taken and tried their best to keep us updated without blowing their cover at the same time. I knew it hurt Tony to not be able to help us when we were hurt or having a panic attack, but I also understood. We needed a man on the inside and, despite the pain, we need him there.

I felt Annabeth trying to make eye contact with me and get my attention without saying my name. Looking over at her, Wise Girl's face softened at the sight of my worried expression. She tried to tell me that it's okay. We were doing our best.

We did try our best when they attacked.

There just wasn't much to be done.

In the back of my head I knew I should be starting to plan for Tartarus. He is still a threat — a big and scary one at that, definitely not one to be underestimated — but we were still so busy with whatever the Hades were going on around here.

He really did plan it out very well. Kidnaping Hecate made the mist go down and with that down, the government is now scared of all the monsters and stuff that they're seeing. Camp borders eventually get down and the government detains all the demigods.

Who, you know, are the VERY people fighting in the dam war against Tartarus himself.

Now he has no one fighting against him and he'll most likely take over the world.

Wow that became depressing real fast.

Story of my life, am I right?

There never seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

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