Chapter 18: War Is Not For The Weak

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Annabeth Chase's POV

As much as I hated my mother, I was still thankful for the battle strategy that she passed down onto me.

Monsters came at us like crazy. For every one that we killed, it seemed like Tartarus sent over a 100 more to take its spot. It was getting far too overwhelming and everything was getting out of hand. There were too many monsters for us to fight on our own.

The avengers were really helpful. They could fight really well. Steve's shield was able to arc its way across the battlefield, killing many monsters at once. We lined it with celestial bronze so it could actually have an effect on the monsters. Tony's repulsors were able to kill monsters with just one shot, and Thor was able to kill so many with this hammer thing and the thunder he called from the sky.

We weren't so bad ourselves. Now that we had our powers with us, Percy was able to use his water powers and Nico was able to call upon skeletons to help us with the fighting.

But, regardless of all that, we were still only a small group of people facing thousands of monsters. We're human. We're going to get tired eventually.

We need more demigods on our side.

"Cover me!" Percy screamed from beside me, trying to make his voice louder than the chaos that was surrounding us. I whipped around and saw that Percy got a horrible injury to his abdomen. His shirt was torn by three large claw marks that raked itself across his skin, drawing a hopeless amount of blood. I rushed forward to cover him, fighting any monsters that came in our direction, while screaming for Will.

Will come soon enough and I did my best to protect both of them while he chanted a hymn and tried to heal my boyfriend. Percy obviously wasn't fully better, but the stubborn Seaweed Brain forced himself onto his feet and continued fighting.

"Percy! Take cover somewhere and get some ambrosia!" I yelled, while fighting a monster.

"Nah, I'm good as is! 'Tis but a scratch, my lady!" he yelled back. I rolled my eyes. Only this kid can make a joke as horrible as that in this situation. "Hey, Annie, do you think the government's watching this?"

"I hope so! I'm not sure if I'm just crazy, but I thought I heard choppers before. And don't call me Annie!"

"We need all the help we can get!"

The fighting continued for hours. We were bruised and injured byond imagination by the time the monsters all disappeared. I knew in either a couple of hours or tomorrow, if we're lucky, they'll just come back and we're going to have to start all over again.

I don't know how much longer we can take this.

"Wait guys!" Natasha called out. She was panting and breathing really hard after the fight as well. "I just got a message from Fury to meet with him. I think they tracked our location and saw what's happening. I'm going to go talk to him. You think you can hold down the fort while I'm gone?"

"Can do, Tasha," Steve said. "You want one of us to go with you?"

"No, we need as many people as we can to stay here. I'll do my best to convince him to send people over, preferably demigods, to help. I'll hopefully be back soon with good news."

"Okay, best of luck," I told her. Luck. Gods, we really need that.

But when has luck or fate ever been nice to us?

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