Chapter 1: When Things Get Rough

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POV: Annabeth Chase

We knew that something was wrong for a couple of months, but we never thought that the ignorant mortals would ever figure it out.

Six months ago, we were living with the Avengers, who found out about our past after some time, and helped us heal after the war and after our time in Tartarus. After some time, we decided that, in September, we should go back to high school to finish off our senior year so that we could go to New Rome and go to college. Between then, Percy and I went back to Camp Half Blood to see how everyone else was doing and just catch up with our family.

As for Percy and I... we were definitely doing a lot better than we were. Tony and Percy clicked really well and he was able to help my boyfriend out a lot. We still Iris Message them whenever we get a chance. But, overall, there are a lot less nightmares and panic attacks. Not completely gone, but I'm taking whatever I have as a win.

But just a couple of weeks after we returned to Camp Half Blood, we got a message. An empousa entered the camp. It didn't even attack any of the campers; it just came to deliver a message.

I, Tartarus, have kidnaped Hecatate. Enjoy the ride, young demigods. Figure out my plan. But you're not getting out of this one.

Seriously? What type of death threat even is that? And which villain just declares himself the villain?

When we first got the message, Percy promptly just walked right out of the Big House. I didn't even have to turn to look at Chiron to see the sad look plastered on his face. I ran right after my boyfriend, following him back to our cabin. He was on the floor, his knees drawn close to his chest, as he struggled to breathe. Tears fell from his eyes as he gasped for air, his hands trembling, but never letting go of the firm grip he had around his legs.

Tartarus hit him the worst out of the both of us. He spent the entire two years we were down there struggling to keep up a front for me. He smiled, no matter how difficult it became. He took punishment after punishment for me, fighting till his last breath to keep me alive and safe. Once we came out, well, now it was finally my turn to take care of him.

Percy never showed his emotions that much. He firmly believed that he had to take care of me and that he shouldn't be scared in front of me. It didn't help that everyone looked up to him as a leader. He didn't have anyone to turn to.

When Percy first started to have panic attacks, he didn't take them very well. Other than for me, he mostly tried to hide it from others and not let them know that he was hurting. It pained me to know that I was starting to heal and Percy wasn't.

But I was never going to abandon him.

"Never again, remember?"

"Never again."

I sat down next to Percy on the floor, wrapping his frail and battle-worn body into my arms. I let him rest his head on my chest as he just cried.

Why did the fates and gods have to be so cruel to him? Ever since he became a part of this world, he never had a break. It's been quest after quest, and then the Second Titan War, being kidnapped, another quest, Tartarus, the Giant War, PTSD, and now this.

Another battle.

As much as I don't want to believe it, we both know that we're a part of this quest. It's always us.

At least it's the both of us.

"Percy," I whispered his name, kissing his forehead and then forcing him to look me in the eye. "Hey, it's okay. We're together now. We're safe. It's okay."

He nodded hesitantly, tears still brewing in his eyes.

"List me three things that you can see," I told him. He said the bed, me, and the water fountain.

"Tell me two things that you can hear." he said my voice and the children running outside.

"Now one thing you can smell?" he said the lemon shampoo that I use to wash my hair.

It was quiet for some time.

"I had another one, didn't I?" Percy questioned me softly, his shoulders deflated.

"Yes, but—"

"Why am I not getting better?" he asked. "You don't seem to be getting these panic attacks that often any more. Why am I not getting better?"

"I don't know Percy," I answered, hating myself for not knowing the answer. I pride myself in my wisdom and knowledge. I know facts about everything. Why can't I just know a few things that can help the man I love? "I don't know, Percy. But I'll always be here for you. I'm not going anywhere. We'll work this out together."

"Yeah, okay," he whispered. After some silence, "Should we get back now?"

"No it's okay. I'll go talk to Chiron for a second and then come back. Let's just take a nap and then go back to talk about it."

"I'm not weak or fragile Annie. I can go, I—"

"It's not you Percy. I'm just awfully tired and a little shaken as well. I just wanted to take a nap."

"Oh, well, okay then."

I gave him a small smile. He's so adorable and cute sometimes. I ran outside to go tell Chiron that we're both okay and that, after a quick nap, we'll come to talk about it. Chiron promised that they wouldn't have a meeting without us.

I ran back to see Percy already asleep on the bed, the exhaustion of his attack getting to him. I smiled sweetly.

I'll miss the little things.

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