Chapter 17: The Lion's Roar

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Percy Jackson's POV

After we got the technology to work, we finally got the gods awful cuffs and collars off of us and we were free! We had to remain hidden from the cameras and the other guards, though, because they could still snitch on us. That means the plan of drawing out Tartarus and starting (and hopefully winning) the war needs to start immediately.

"We should go to an empty area and try to contain the battle," Steve said. He has always been an expert strategist when it came to things war related.

"You know what I think?" My Wise Girl said. "We should go to Camp Half Blood. It would be best to do it there. I know it's under high surveillance there, but that's also our home turf. And maybe, if the government sees that we're actually trying to help, they can give us our weapons back and maybe some reinforcements too."

"That's actually not a bad idea," Will said. "We would be most comfortable there and not many people would be around in order to avoid the place, so that would help minimize the civilian casualties."

"Do you really think that SHIELD would decide to help though?" I had to ask. "We seriously need all of the help and weapons we can get. There's no way the five of us demigods and your team of Avengers are enough for the army that's waiting for us."

"We just have to hope. I'm trying to work out a way to free the other demigods though," Tony said to us. "I'm trying to mass replicate it and then trick everyone into giving it to the demigods that they have so they can be freed, and then hopefully they'll make it back to camp."

"That sounds excellent," Annabeth exclaimed. "We have to get things moving now, though, if we want to stay on track."

Silently, we quickly packed our things and got ourselves situated to make a trip back to Long Island and the camp. We'll be using an old vehicle to fit all of us that hopefully doesn't draw too much attention.

It was actually really late by the time we reached back to camp. The entire place was empty. You could actually still see traces of the battle between the demigods and the people of SHIELD here. It was also really obvious that their workers had come and dug through this place.

The cabins were all wide open and the weapons in the armory were all taken. This was just left the once sacred grounds of the children of the gods.

What has become of us?

"Okay guys, we know what we have to do," I told everyone as we all came together into a weird little circle. "Is there like a script or something? Like how do we go about this? What do we say to bring out a million year old dude that holds a grudge?"

Annabeth rolled her eyes at me and playfully hit me on the shoulder.

"I got this."

We all stood in a line, Annabeth and I slightly ahead of everyone, as she began to think of the words to say.

"Take our Riptide for a second," she told me, and I pulled the pen out and uncapped it. "Okay, now cut your palm a little and mine as well. Let the blood drip onto the ground."

I was a little weirded out and made a face, but I did what she said.

I mean, why the Hades would I question a daughter of Athena in her plans?

The blood hit the ground and Annabeth started speaking.

"Tartarus! Reveal yourself and prepare for the battle to begin at sunrise. The blood of Perseus Jackson and Annabeth Chase has touched these grounds. The war has begun."

The red stain on the dirt seemed to have been swallowed up and, before I could even point it out, the ground started to shake and tremble and, in the darkness, shadows sprung up. The monsters have arrived.

The war has begun.

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