Chapter 2: Nothing Is Just As They Seem

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Percy POV

The effects were almost immediate. With Hecate kidnapped by Tartarus, the mist started to weaken until it was almost completely gone. The monsters were visible to the mortal world now. Chiron had started to send out groups of demigods to patrol over the areas to kill monsters and to neutralize the problem. Annabeth and I were in charge of New York City, patrolling it on Wednesdays and Fridays to see if we could kill any of the monsters that now try to attack the mortals.

The mortals were terrified. We would try to blend in during our shift, not wearing the signature camp t-shirt, but rather a simple hoodie and baseball cap for the chilly November weather. People were constantly whispering about the monsters that arose. We were slightly more educated about the mortal world since we talked with the Avengers, so most were referencing "aliens" and how "they couldn't go through that again".


Stupid mortals.

They have no idea that we go through to keep them alive. And we're just children.

Thankfully no one has made the connection to the Greeks or Romans yet, though. Many just claimed that they pop out of nowhere from a portal and they're probably monsters from another planet trying to send over things to destroy the human race so they can take over.

I thought the idea was rather dumb, but hey, anything is better than them figuring out it's Greek Monsters.

"Annabeth, why don't we go talk to the Avengers about it?" I asked my girlfriend. "I've been thinking about it. They're clearly people that fight for the city and are important people in their government, I think. Why can't we go talk to them and explain the situation? They already know about our world so, if we tell them what happened, maybe they can help us think of a solution to calm down the people without telling everyone the truth."

Annabeth was quiet for a second.

"That's actually a really good idea Percy," she said, smiling at me. Red dusted my cheeks at the compliment. "Let's go run it by Chiron first and then do it tonight. The problem is just getting worse so we should get started!"

I barely even had time to nod when Annabeth grabbed my hand and already started running forward, a laugh escaping her lips, as she dragged me over to the nearest train station.

"I know you can get Blackjack, but let's go by train!" she said, laughing. I smiled, seeing her so happy.

"You know I used to live around here when I was younger right? I went on train multiple times a day."

She just comically frowned.

"Well I haven't."

"Oh yeah?"

"I lived in San Francisco before and then stayed at camp after that. When do you—"

I cut her off with a kiss that she soon melted into. Now it was her turn to blush.

"Percy, I swear I wa—"

I cut her off again, kissing her softly on the lips.

"Just enjoy the moment Annabeth," I whispered into her ear as she fell in for a hug. I'll do anything to keep things like this safe. I've always cherished the little moments, never knowing when I would die. I hate living like that, but that's just how it is for demigods, particularly those of the Big 3.

But I'll fight till my last breath to keep those I love alive.

That's a promise. I swear it on the River Styx.

We got back to Long Island and then went over to camp to discuss our ideas with Chiron. He agreed with us and sent us right back to the heart of the city to talk with the team that we made friends with not too long ago.

On the way, we passed by my mom's house so the two of us went to go visit her.

"Percy!" my mom exclaimed, grinning as she saw me. We talked for a bit before she told me she had to go get the groceries. I told her to sit and wait with Annabeth while I got them.

As I walked into the store, everything felt really weird. The entire place was quiet and everyone had their eyes glued to the TV screen.

"...The gold dust that appeared randomly next to the murder site was connected. This is the case of mythological creatures from the Ancient Greek and Roman stories. Yes everyone, you heard me right. The mythological monsters are real. And they're right here with us."

Oh no.

I grabbed the groceries, quickly checked out, and ran back to my apartment only to have the door opened right away by Annabeth.

"What do we do?" I asked her, worried filling my eyes. She scrunched her eyebrows in thought and started to bite her lower lip.

We quickly told mom goodbye who, by seeing our scared expressions, didn't say anything.

We ran over to the Avengers tower, thinking we could IM Chiron there.

But is it becoming too late?

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