Chapter 3: Well Deserved Discussions

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Tony Stark POV

 After Jarvis alerted me to watch the news, I turned it on and started to listen to the newest updates on the situation. Of course I knew the truth. Percy and Annabeth already told me about their world and everything, I just didn't understand why their monsters were killing mortals all of a sudden. They said that they usually stayed away from us.

The government was getting really worried. Fury was always on our tail about this, sending his intelligence officers to scout for the causes of all the mysterious deaths. I tried to keep them at bay, hiding clues around that could divert their attention. I owed it to them right? But I also deserve an explanation.

So when I watched the news for today and saw that they finally figured out it was related to Greek Mythology, I panicked and knew that I had to find Percy and Annabeth. They said that they didn't have much access to technology because it attracts monsters, so I figured that they wouldn't know about this update.

But, right on time, the doorbell to the elevator rang and out came the two demigods I was just looking for.

"Percy! Annabeth! Thank god you're here!" I exclaimed.

"Gods, Tony. Haven't we already told you," Percy said, laughing.

I smiled as I directed them over to take a seat on the couch.

"Now, I need you both to tell me what the hell is happening! Monsters killing mortals? I thought your world liked to stay away from ours! And what happened to us not being able to see them? Did you even watch the news? They figured it out! What ar—"

"Tony, give me a second to explain," Annabeth said, cutting me off. "Yes we heard the news and found out that everyone knows about the greek world. As for how monsters are killing the humans, we both have no idea. About a month ago we received a message from the pit, Tar–Tartarus, and he said that he kidnapped the god Hecate. She is the one in charge of keeping up the mist. With her in Tar– in the pit, her magic is fading. That's why the mortals are seeing the monsters and they are attacking them."

Oh wow, that's a lot of information to take in. Why is their world always so insane?

"Are you both okay?" I decided to ask them. Percy and Annabeth looked surprised.

"What do you mean? Of course not! Our world is going to be exposed. You know how horrible that will be? There's a reason we stay separate in the first place," Percy ranted, waving his arms around comically.

"Well, yes, obviously that. But I ment about you. Are you both okay?"

They fell silent after that.

"It's not about us right now," Percy said, dropping his eyes down. "We can't afford to think about our fears or emotions right now. On top of it all, we need to focus on solving the issue and fighting our new threat."

"You're human too Percy," I said, my heart dropping at his response. What kind of world do we live in where children need to fight our battles? Where children don't have the chance to become adults because they died a bloody death. Sometimes, I find myself hating the gods for what they force their children to do.

"Yes, but Tony—"

"No, Percy, you deserve just as much."

He just nodded and Annabeth stretched out her hand to hold onto his.

"We hear what you're saying Tony, and thank you. No one bothered to ask how we were once we found out about the pit's resurgence even though we were trapped and tortured there for two whole years. We had a few panic attacks again as well. It's just, we're the camp leaders. They rely on us. We need to appear strong, especially when the threat is this big. I know it upsets you, but it's just how it is. It's harder for Percy because of his fatal flaw being personal loyalty. He'd put anyone that he loves above himself."

I nodded, struggling to swallow down my hatred.

"I'm always here if you want to talk," I just decided on saying.

"Now back to the actual issue," Annabeth said, steering the conversation away from the potential therapy session it was about to become. "Will you help us?"

"Yes, of course. Naturally the government is going to be all on top of this now. Especially SHIELD, the organization I'm in, because they mainly deal with extraterrestrial beings and things along those lines. I'll try to keep them off the trail."

"Thank you so much, we'll try to update you to the best of our abilities," Annabeth told me. I just nodded.

With that, the two of them had to leave to go back to their camp. Percy gave me a soft smile before leaving.

I wish I could just protect them.

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