Growing up

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Rylee Clark wasn't just your average basketball player, she was probably one of the youngest female athletes to have multiple awards given to her by her Sophomore year of High school. Growing up as a Clark in West Des Moines meant following her big sisters footsteps, it wasn't a surprise that Rylee would pick up basketball as in the Clark family all four siblings were super competitive. With Rylee being the most competitive, it was often said that if Caitlin was there you should expect to see Rylee right next to her. While Rylee was 2 years younger than her Caitlin she defiantly played as if she was older. In her sophomore year of high school Rylee was given the title of Gatorade Female Athlete of the Year and the Gatorade National Girls Basketball Player of the Year. It wasn't until Caitlin committed to Iowa that Rylee truly thought about her future. Sure she had thought about going to college but she didn't put much of an idea as to where. While Caitlin was at her first year of Iowa, Rylee started getting noticed by scouts from different colleges, many offering her hard to resist deals. I mean she was first in the country for basketball, which only left her with the hardest decision of her life. Where was she to go. When talking about the Clark family they were insanely athletically gifted but also academically gifted as well. Arguably Rylee was the smartest out of her four siblings skipping two grades in middle school causing her to be not only a great basketball player but a great student. 

October 24

While Rylee was living out her last year in high school in Iowa, a certain coach was doing everything he could to recruit the number 1 player in the country to go to UCONN

Geno: "If we don't get her we die" he says to his team, she is an amazing player. You can tell she gets the game and can be put into any position and excel. With Paige, KK, Azzi, and Nika it would be an unstoppable team. So let's make the call and get her in here. 

Rylee's pov

I had just received my 9th call from different universities,  and while I was blessed to get the attention from any college, I really only wanted to hear from one person. And that is Geno from UConn, I don't really know where my love for UConn came from; perhaps from my sister but I fear that I might have to accept the same fate as her in which I saw UConn but they didn't see me. I mean every kid who played basketball dreamed of playing at UConn, they were winners. The only thing I knew was if Geno ever called I would say yes without even thinking. 

And then it happened the one place that was untouchable was calling me, I was in the middle of AP Chem when I received a call with the location Connecticut. I didn't know what to do, was I dreaming or was this a reality, maybe the fumes from lab were getting to my head. All I knew was I quickly looked up to my teacher and said it UConn I have to take this call. And with the smallest nod from my teacher I bolted out of the classroom phone in hand and picked up.

Phone call:

Geno: Hello, it this Rylee Clark? My name is Geno from UConn's women's basketball I was wondering if you had a minute to chat?

Rylee: Hi, yes this is Rylee. Is it really you Geno?

Geno: Yes, Rylee its really me, I wanted to invite you formally to take a look at UConn and practice with the team this weekend. I know it's somewhat late in the recruiting process but the board here really likes you as a player and we want to offer you a chance to get to know us before you make any decisions.

Rylee: Yes, yes I'll come. You don't know how long I've been waiting to get your call. 

Geno: Well you don't know how badly we want you: I'll send over the flight information and we will see you this weekend. 

End of phone call

I can't believe this is my life, I have the possibility of playing for UConn and making my dream a reality.

Later that night I had told my parent who called and that I would be flying there to visit as well as Caitlin and my 2 brothers. Of course with 2 kids in college playing sports the recruiting process wasn't anything new for my parents however the one thing that we will never get use to is the media. Especially with this past year with Caitlin becoming a real name in college basketball, and my awards. We are constantly put under a microscope for the public to commit on and wait for one of us to break. However with our family being so close it is always easy for there to be someone to talk to.  

As I'm packing for my weekend trip to UConn I decided to FaceTime Caitlin and see what she was up too


Caitlin: Hey bug congratulations on UConn; Im so jealous but mostly proud. 

Rylee: Thanks Cat, Im nervous what if  I get there and I completely mess up and they no longer want me? I mean I be playing with the best of the best!

Caitlin: Um hello did you for get that your also one of the best you are literally: Gatorade National Girls Basketball Player of the Year and not to mention number 1 recruit in the nation. They would be stupid not to take you. In fact I'm surprised they took this long to message you.

Rylee: Thanks; it just I feel bad you know like we are all so close and you and Blake staying in Iowa makes me feel guilty of leaving. What if I'm not ready to leave Iowa Cat. What if the media is right maybe I don't belong with UConn. 

Caitlin: Rylee your being crazy just because the media found out UConn didn't reach out yet doesn't mean that you not fit for the team. I just got off the phone with Paige and she told me that Geno is going all out for your visit. Forcing the girls to clean the building and their dorms to make a good impression on you. He wants you and this is your dream. As for us will be fine in Iowa, but you know UConn is you home, it where your meant to be. Take the chance and if you completely hate it you can always enter the transfer portal and come to Iowa. 

Rylee: Your right, I need to stop looking at the media. But its all to much sometimes this pressure to be perfect and any move I make is somehow in a news article. 

Caitlin: Yeah tell me about it, but we're nothing without our fans. It's how we can make an impact on this world so don't look at as bad use your platform for good. Listen I have to go Im about to be late to team practice but go in with an open mind and  you'll know what's right the moment you get there.

End of Facetime

At the Airport:

As Im waiting on my plane since i'm the type of person to get to an airport 2 hours before my plane I decided to take a stroll into one of the shops and see what they have. Of course I reach for the sports newspaper and decided on that as it is always good to see what your competition is up to. As I sit down to read it I get to a section called Everything Clark: Where is Rylee Clark headed. In which it lays out all of my accomplishments as well as all the placed that have recruited me so far or at least tried to. But it's the ending line of the article that makes my question who I am as a play. (As Clark enters college basketball will she survive she's playing with the big dogs now there is no room for error. Will this be the rise or downfall of Rylee Clark?) While I know that it's suppose to tear me down it only adds fuel to the fire on proving who I am as  a person and a player. I knew that wherever I went I wanted to accomplish 4 things: One win a National Championship, create a legacy, create an organization to help children, and most importantly prove that Rylee Clark was not to be messed with.

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