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Rylee's Pov

As we finished practice it was clear that Coach wasn't happy with the freshman on the team. I felt bad for the other two freshmen Jenna and Blake. Maybe they didn't have anyone to guide them this summer. So I figured that I would talk to the coach for them to try to get the freshman out of trouble.

As I enter Coach's office I see him stressed out looking at tapes from one of my high school games

Rylee: If I knew that you'd be watching my tapes, I would have at least put in more effort into my appearance

Geno: Oh please like you need to be worried about your looks, I'm watching the tape where you broke the national record for most points scored as a high schooler. 

Rylee: Yeah, I remember that day. Is kinda engrained in my head- I think my mom still has the ball somewhere in our house. 

Geno: So what do I owe this pleasure of talking to the Rylee Clark? 

Rylee: Yeah, I wanted to talk about practice coach, I feel bad that we made a bad impression on you at the first practice. I don't want you to think that just because we are freshmen will cause us to be lazy. I cant speak for my teammates but maybe they had a rough summer or just didn't know how to prep for college basketball. At least I had the advantage of knowing half the girls on the team before I came as well as having Caitlin to help over the summer. 

Geno: You know kid, the first thing I said to this team before you came was you were going to change this program. It takes guts to come talk to me and the game you just played in practice tells me that you are ahead of your time. It should be them in here apologizing but yet its you. You know what that tells me? It tells me you are a leader, ready to take the fall for your teammates because that's what a leader does. You're an absolute beast on the court and a real asset to the team. So don't feel bad for other's mistakes. 

Rylee: Thanks coach I appreciate that

Geno: Good, now get out of here you have interviews to do now; and don't say anything dumb I can't have you turning into Paige.


Its Paige and Rylee sitting at the table ready for the press conference. When Paige looks at you and tells you don't worry you have this in the bag. 

Media person 1: Rylee what is it like being here at UConn? Your sister Caitlin mentioned that it was her dream to come here. What's her opinion on you coming here

Rylee: Yeah, I mean like my sister said every kid grows up thinking they are going to UConn. I'm just so grateful to Geno and the coaching staff for noticing me and giving me a chance. I know Caitlin her recruitment process was different from mine however, I'm a firm believer that you end up where you are supposed to be. I think Iowa is great for her and she has really developed as a player. Not to say she wasn't a good player just that I was better than her. But you know at the end of the day when everything is said and done we are family and more importantly, sisters, and no matter what she does I'll always be her biggest supporter in her corner. I have to thank her for my career as she pushed me into playing basketball as a kid. And I know that she will always support me too. And I just love UConn and my teammates, like I can't imagine not playing with Azzi, KK, and the rest of my team.

Paige: I don't hear my name.

Rylee: I'm trying not to inflate your ego Paige god knows it's bigger than it needs to be so close your ears. I think the reason for me picking Uconn was cus of Paige. You know I met her at Team USA when my sister played and I say I have one sister but she's a close second. 

Paige: Awwww your getting soft on me RY

Media Person 2: How has it been adapting to college basketball compared to high school? 

Rylee: It has definitely been an adjustment, growing up I always played three grades above me so I'm used to playing with high skill. But again I just have to thank Paige, and Caitlin for preparing me for college basketball. I admire all of the girls I play with on my team and against and I think when we go against members who have great skill it only pushes us as players to excel. 

Media person 3:Rylee with your first year in college basketball what do you hope to accomplish this season?

Rylee: Yeah, I think the first think that comes to mind is to win a Natty, like that would be the cherry on top since UConn hasn't one one in 7 years. I would like to be able to experience that at least once at UConn. But I also want to improve as a player, I think there is no such thing as a perfect player and that there are always something you can improve on. 

Paige: I want to clarfie she doesn't mean me, right

Rylee: Defently not Paige, in your dreams. See this is the ego I was talking about lol

Media person 4: So you were both all-american players before coming to UConn how do you think that has helped your game?

Rylee: Paige go

Paige: No you go 

Rylee: I've spoken all day you go

Paige: Freshman duty lets go

Rylee: Yeah, I think having those accomplishments and awards definitely has helped be as a player improve and push myself. I grew up in a very athletic family and as a middle silibling I always looked and Caitlin and Blake and wanted to do what they were doing. I think being as competitive as I am I saw what Caitlin and Blake were doing and thought hey I can do better. So definitely having that daily commotion in the house made us all better.

Paige: Yeah having all these accomplishment and being known in high school definitely helps you get reconigized, its the difference between playing basketball and being seen to play basketball. If it wasn't for the reconigition I wouldn't have had different invites to different camps that helped me improve my game nor meet the best of the best players that pushed me to excel. 

Rylee's pov

After interviews were over Paige and I decided to go back to our dorm and cook dinner. As we were in the car driving back I look over to Paige. I can't  help but notice how good looking she was nor the fact how welcoming she has been to me this entire time. I could only hope that with time we would be come closer. 

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