Your Gonna Go Far

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Rylee's Pov

I'm sitting on my phone talking to Paige and Nika about training camp, while I pack my whole life into two suitcases. I have about 1 more day home till I have to leave for preseason training which I'm excited about. Not only will I get to see my teammates, but I also get to live with friends that I care for. Over the past couple of months NIka, Paige, KK, Azzi, and I have gotten closer than ever and decided to get an apartment together in the student sports dormitory.  I couldn't wait for what was to come, however, I also was nervous, with more eyes on me what was I to bring to UConn the only thing I could hear was the one sentence every paper wrote about me; Can Clark do what Caitlin hasn't win a National Championship. I hated getting put up against Caitlin as it wasn't fair to her or me. We are two separate players and people with different styles of play and yet the media was only focused on the outcome, not the work we put in. 

As I finally packed my car to prepare for the drive to the airport I couldn't help but run back into the house and hug everyone goodbye one last time. It seemed like today was the never-ending day of hugs and saying goodbye. As we had our last goodbye, I made it to my car.


When I finally made it to the dorms I was so happy, I was tired and had one thing on my mind and that was sleep. Thankfully Paige and Nika were already at the dorm and offered to help move me in.  After setting my side up in the room, I decided to go out to see where everyone was. Paige and Nika were sitting on the couch playing Fortnite and KK and Azzi were making tiktoks. I decided to join them and sit on the ground and watch the game. As cheesy as it is to say, this felt like home. 

First pre-season practice 

It was the first day of the pre-season and a lot was new, with some players transferring, Paige back from her injury, and with two new freshmen the team dynamic was going to be shaken up pretty well. It was no surprise that UConn had the best freshman recruits in the nation. However with Rylee being one of the nation's best female basketball players it was bound to cause some people on the team to be jealous of her. Which only forced Rylee to have to continuously prove that she belonged and not just because her last name was Clark.

Geno's Pov

As I sit in my office I can't help but think this is the year we get a championship. We haven't had one in 7 years and I'm out for blood. We have the blueprint, we have the players, and now all we need is a killer season to win. With Paige back, and Rylee now here it's going to be an undefeated season, I can just feel it. I just worry that the team dynamic will be different as many of the players who started last season aren't starting as they haven't shown a need or want to play, they expect it. So what better way to prove to them that every practice is a fight for your spot than to bring in fresh talent that will force these players to either bring their A-game or simply transfer out? What the players don't know is I have a trick up my sleeve as this practice will determine who is not only the captain but the starter.

In the Gym

Geno: All right guys welcome back returning players and of course, I want to extend the welcome to our new players on the team, Rylee, Jenna, and  Blake. I know this is our first practice but I want to see if you have been doing the workouts over the summer, and if not well I can tell. So let's start with stairs and then we will get into 5.v 5. 

Paige: All right team let's get this done. 

As everyone started slowly walking over to the bleachers only Rylee, Paige, Nika, KK, Ice and Azzi jogged over and got it done first. Impressing Geno but they still had to prove themselves in the 5v5. As the rest of the team finished the stairs it was Rylee waiting at the bottom congratulating each member for finishing. Which only helped set her apart from the other freshmen as well as returning members. Soon Geno had given them teams in which Rylee, Paige, NIka, Ice, and Azzi were on one team while Azzi, Jenna, Blake,  Aubrey, and Jana. 

During the game

Paige: yall I think our best strategy is passing as well as getting threes. So Azzi shoots from the line while Nika, KK, and Ice should play defense and try double-teaming and Rylee and I will be floating. 

Rylee: Great Idea Paige, I think that if we get a chance to shoot take it. I know coach doesn't like it but if we want to win we need to take some risk. Let's not leave the score up to chance at the end.  Ok together on 3: 1,2,3,

Team: Together!

As both teams dispersed on the court it was very obvious who did the summer workouts and who didn't Jenna, Blake, and Jana were all winded 3 minutes into the scrimmage. But it was the quick and efficient passing and defense from Rylee that made the 5 girls a force to be reckoned with. With Paige's coaching and guarding, Nika, KK, and Ice's defense, and Rylee and Aziz's shooting it was a quick game with the score being 30-3 what most consider a blowout. Of course, Geno and the rest of the coaching staff were livid with the other team as they clearly were beaten on every level. 

Geno:  So let's be clear when I write up summer workouts and send you information on where to play in camps it isn't an option. From what I can tell some of us are in shape and others took the summer off. So I suggest we get our heads out of our asses and actually play basketball. 30-3 What was that? By the time Rylee was at half-court, there should have been at least two players on her forcing her to pass because you practically gave her to ball to shoot.  But why when you have the ball were you so easily able to drop it the moment Paige or Nika got on you? It's clear the whole team didn't do workouts this summer and for returning players you know that's unacceptable for the two new players that just got their ass handed to you by the other freshman on the team I suggest you take this as a lesson that when a coach tells you something you do it! All right since we are a team and winning is a team effort we are going to do conditioning tomorrow to get those out of shape in shape. 

To say the team wasn't happy was an understatement. Especially those who put in the work however that's all part of the game of Basketball. You better bring your best or someone will take your spot so quickly. 

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