Can you open up the door

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After an incredible first game, everyone decided to head to Chipotle for a celebratory meal. Of course, it was Rylee and Paige sitting next to each other.  Even though Rylee and Paige paid great attention to the small things on the court they would be considered legally blind for the love they had for each other. Everyone else on the team could see how they naturally gravitated to each other and were always flirting with each other. It was safe to say the team was rooting for them. 

Rylee: Paige if you take one more chip from my bag we're going to have issues

Paige: What do you mean Rylee? I haven't been eating your chips.

Rylee:  Paig, I had a full bag of chips about 3 minutes ago and you're telling me they magically all disappeared

Paige: There is still one more see, (Paige reaches for the last chip eating it)

Rylee: Ugh you're impossible

Nika: Hey there's a Kappa party tonight what do you say should we go

Rylee: Are we even allowed to party during the season

Paige: Yeah as long as you don't drink you'll be fine

Rylee: Then let go

Everyone else: Im in

Rylee: Should we invite Jenna and Blake?

Paige: I mean I was hoping to leave the freshman out of it so we can enjoy our time

Nika: Paige, Rylee is a freshman

Rylee: That is true, Bueckers is your old age already catching up to you

Paige: number 1: 20 isn't old and number 2 you know what I mean inviting them is like having to babysit. Plus Ry you are kinda cool so are you ok

Rylee:  Guys am I hearing this right? The Paige Bueckers said I was cool. Paige, I think you need to check if you have a concussion

Rylee's Pov

I felt bad not inviting the other freshman but again I also do have to agree with Paige and Nika, they seem to not want to do what the team does and haven't been kind to me. Over tho I am excited for our first party as winners. Paige and I decided we would host a pre-game before going and that way we could all go together 

Paige's pov

I'm so happy we won, when Rylee went in for the dunk I couldn't help but admire her. I don't get why I'm feeling this way about her. Sure I've dated girls and boys in the past but when I talk to Rylee I feel like I'm on this drug that is a never-ending high. I just know that she doesn't feel the same about me. I mean I believe in God and faith but she's Catholic and her upbringing tells her not to like the same gender. I just wish for once she would see me as more of a friend.

At the Party

Rylee: Wow there is a huge line to get in, I don't think will get in tonight guys

Paige: What are to talking about Rylee?

Nika: Rylee you may be great at basketball but you're still a freshman so let me show you the ropes. Number 1: We are practically celebrities here; if we show up more people want to come to whatever party is being hosted. Number 2: We never wait in line at parties just tell them you're here with women's basketball. and Number 3:  don't drink because everyone is taking pictures so if a photo of you drinking gets sent to the coach your done for.

Rylee: Got it

Nika: Hey Nick thanks for inviting us to the party we brought almost the whole team is that ok

Nick: Oh hey Nika, great to see you. Great game today and of course you know you guys are always welcome here at Kappa. Oh hey Rylee, I'm Nick. Great game today, I think its incredible how you dunked the ball and got that shot from half-court.

Rylee: Hi Nick, thank you. It means a lot

Paige pov: 

It was cute to see Rylee at her first party, it was like watching a baby giraffe learn how to walk the first time. But the moment Nick started talking to Rylee, I couldn't help but feel jealousy bubble up. I mean Rylee and I aren't anything so why do I care so much

Rylee's Pov

The party was so much fun, and talking to Nick was great. He was so funny and it was nice to talk to someone who wasn't just a fan but wanted to get to know me. But as I had the conversation with Nick and a few other people from the men's Basketball, I couldn't help but have stolen glances with Paige. Like I know we are friends, but friends don't look at friends that way. And I don't even know why but I feel like whenever I'm on the court or at practice I look for Paige, she consumes my thoughts. I guess this is hard because I never have been with a girl before. I mean I know I'm bi but I guess I'm hiding behind the door wanting someone to open it. But now I'm in bed with Paige cuddling and making small talk

Paige: Rylee can I ask you something

Rylee: Yeah, what up

Paige: what are we, I know we are friends but between the small looks we share and the flirting I just need to know what we are. 

Rylee: Paige, I'm not entirely sure what we are. All I know is that I really really like you and anytime we are together I crave talking to you, I try to find you in every crowd and I don't know how to feel about it. 

Paige: Really, you mean that.

Rylee: Of course, I'm so glad we are roommates and on the same team. You've changed my life Bueckers and I'd be happy to be what you want to be

Paige: So let's be more than friends, and see where it takes us. 

Rylee: I think that's a good idea, can I ask you a question now

Paige: yeah

Rylee: Can I kiss you?

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