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5 weeks after the accident

Doctor: Well from the scans as well as your mobility I would say your fully healed. I'm going to prescribe you a script for extra physical therapy but I also will clear you to play and practice again. Just be careful and if you feel pain stop

Rylee: Thank you doctor

Rylee's pov

As the doctor told me the good news all I could feel was happiness. I was so glad that I could play again and most importantly get back to the court to prove everyone wrong. I knew I had to tell coach as soon as I got back. But for now I'll call my sister.


Rylee: Guess who just got cleared to play

Caitlin: No way! That's awesome bug Im so happy for you. Does that mean we get to play in March Madness together

Rylee: Yeah, if you make it

Caitlin: Oh we will trust me Right Kate

Kate: Oh yeah, your going down baby Clark

Rylee: In your dreams Martin

Caitlin: Well i'm so proud of you but we have to go to a team meeting now so Ill talk to you later.

Rylee: Of course bye Cait

In the office

Rylee: Hi Coach, how are you

Coach: Ok just stressed about March Madness, I need a championship this year

Rylee: Well we might get it, because I just got cleared to play

Coach: That's great kid, glad to have you back on the court. We need you 

Rylee: Of course, Got to show the world who UConn is

Rylee's Pov

Practice was hard today, between running drills and getting back into the swing of thing. On top of that Jenna and Blake were an hour late to drills, so Coach made us run. But I can't complain because I would do anything to play again. I mean I was out for 6 ish weeks so I know my starting spot is not promised, I have to fight for that spot again and show coach I deserve to be one of the 5 players on the court. So during drills and practice I gave it my all and never gave up. Between the physical therapy, learning plays, and studying players I think I improved as a player and I can only hope coach see it

Coach meeting:

Geno: Did you see how Rylee played to day? I mean she may have been out for 6 weeks but damn she's playing better than before. 

Ben: I agree, I have been seeing her in the gym every day the past 3 weeks working on her shooting as well as extra mobility exercises 

Geno: She definitely will get us to the championship, I can feel it. 

Ben: I'm just worried that the pressure is going to get to her. 

Geno: It won't because unlike with most kids, for Clark pressure creates diamonds.

Rylee's Pov:

So after practice I decided that I would surprise Paige with a date, knowing that in a few weeks with March Madness we won't have time to have our secret dates and more importantly our fans and coaches will be watching our every move. 

Paige: Hey, you missed our turn. 

Rylee: I know

Paige: What do you mean, I thought we were going back to the dorms

Rylee: We will, but first I want to take you on a date if that's ok with you Bueckers

Paige: Awwww Rylee, you didn't have to. But I would love to go on a date with you right now

Rylee: Good because you don't have a choice since I'm the one driving

Paige: Right, so where are we going

Rylee: You'll see

Rylee and Paige soon pull up to a hiking trail, Rylee had gone up earlier before practice and set up a small picnic for the two of them. Thinking it would be nice to just be Paige and Rylee not two basketball stars hanging out. 

Paige: So is this where you kill me and leaving me in the bushes, I mean if you wanted to score more points in the game you could have just told me

Rylee: Will you shut up, for your information I do score more than you. But this is a cute hiking trail and it will be good for us.

Paige: You do understand tomorrow is conditioning. We could have just went to a restaurant

Rylee: Bueckers, I planed this date for a wile. Your part of this team and your going to stay until the date is over

Paige: Wow, bossy Clark. You know you look hot all riled up

Rylee: Ugh your impossible. Lets just go

Paige: Fine

As Paige and Rylee made it to the top of the hill there was a cute set up of a blanket, flowers, and a basket for them filled with sweet treats. This was more of a romantic date that the two of them needed

Paige: Awwww Rylee, I can't thank you enough this was so sweet

Rylee: I figured that since we would be so busy in the next couple of weeks we could just have one last romantic date before everything is crazy. 

Paige: I agree, I will have to say it's nice being able to date you and not have the media input their opinions. 

Rylee: Right, plus then we are free to do what we want.

Paige: I'm so happy we are together. Like I can't believe God brought you to me. I can't tell you how much happier I am with you in my life. Who knew I would get both Clarks

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