It all fell down

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Back to the reporters view:

Jeff: oh man, this is not what you want to see. It looks like Clark is down chenching her nose curled into a ball. I think officials now are rewatching the tape and it looks like Rylee is getting helped off the court by the paramedics. This can't be good. 

Back to the court

Rylee: Coach, I don't feel so well. I think I'm going to...

Geno's Pov

As I'm helping Rylee up to sit up. I could see in her eyes that nothing was connected up there she seemed unstable. I was so frustrated at the refs for not calling this sooner but now all I can do is worry. As Rylee stands up she tells me she doesn't feel well and mid-sentence I see her start to fall towards me.


As Rylee sits up it's almost like time stops. One moment she talks to the coach the next she passes out falling right into the Coach. Coach catches her and with the rest of the team lays her right back on the ground. 

Athletic Trainer: we need the stretcher her collarbone has been broken and it trying to pop out of her body. 

As the paramedics rush in the whole team especially Paige starts crying. It was so scary for her, the girl she loved was passed out on the floor in front of her and she never got to tell her how much she loved her. As the paramedics stabilize Rylee, it was no secret that this accident was no accident. 

Ref: After careful review number 34 on Tennessee purposely injured player 22 and attempted to injure player 5. With this being said NCAA had made a ruling on this play for the safety of both teams to run the clock out and UConn will win this game.

The team was in no mood to celebrate, it was very somber as they were worried about their friends well being.  After pressing and getting packed up, the team heads to the hospital to check up on Rylee. Luckily for Rylee, it was a clean break and they were able to do immediate surgery meaning she would be out for about 8 weeks enough time for the second game in March Madness. 

Paige's pov:

I can't believe the past 24 hours have been real, I feel like I'm in a nightmare that I can't wake up from.  As I watch the game back on my phone its clear to me that the girl who I was against was trying to get me out, and to know that Rylee took the fall for me makes me filled with guilt. She was so brave and without even thinking about it she took a bullet for me. I can only hope and pray that she will be ok. I know that she will be devastated that shes injured and can't play. But the moment I saw her dive and hurd a crack I knew something wasn't right. 

The results 

Doctor: Coach I think God was on her side because if she were to have the break one-half inch from where it broke off she would need a complete replacement. She's luck it was a clean break. This should heal in 6 weeks but I'm advising she goes to physical therapy for 2 weeks after that and then I would say she's clear to play.

Geno: Thank you doctor; can we see her now

Doctor: yes but I advise 2 at a time, it can be very overwhelming. I suggest you and her closest friend break the news to her.  It will be hard for her but I think with the right environment she will be able to have 

Geno: I agree, let me get Paige and I'll tell her the news

The hospital room:

Geno: hey kiddo how are you feeling

Rylee: Pretty good they gave me the good stuff what about you did we win?

Geno: of course we did. All thanks to you and Bueckers over her

Paige: Hey Rylee, glad your ok. you know if you wanted a nose job you could have just gotten it done off season.

Rylee: Yeah, but then it would be out of pocket, at least insurance will cover it right

Geno: God you two are impossible, no more injury from either of you. I talked to the doctor and they say it will take 6-8 weeks to fully recover. Just in time for March Madness, but do know this if I feel you aren't ready you will sit out. I can't have my best players injured. But for now I'll let you two be and catch up. 

Rylee: Thanks Coach for everything

Paige: So are you really ok, are you in any pain? 

Rylee: Nah, they really did give me the good stuff. Like I feel like I could run for days

Paige: OK, you definitely are high on something, but in all seriousness. Why did you do it

Rylee: I mean, I saw from the distance her trying to hurt you. I couldn't imagine what would happen if you got hurt again. And quite frankly I was saving myself an ejection from the game cuz I would have done some damage to her if she touched you. I care too much for you Paige. You are my everything and I know we have been keeping whatever this is at bay but I love you and can't bear the thought of you going through what you went through last season ever again. 

Paige: Rylee, you are incredible. you know that I owe you my career for what you did. I feel so guilty that you're in this hospital bed when it should have been me. I love you too Rylee, I've been too scared to say it. Afraid of what could happen, but I know now that I don't want to do anything but be with you. The moment you passed out I knew that I needed to be with you. 

Rylee: Awwwwwwwww Buecker's have you gone soft on me? But in all seriousness, from the moment I saw that girl trying to take you out, I knew that I had to protect you. Not because an injury would set you back in you career but because I knew that I couldn't stand the thought of you being hurt, because I love you Paige. I will protect you if it's the last thing I do on this earth. 

At this moment it was like time stoped and all Paige and Rylee can do at that moment is let emotions take over and soon enough lips were touching and in a both were in a heated battle for dominance. Paige ultimately winning but soon pulling back only to smile to Rylee. 

Paige: As much as I would love to continue this. You are high on the good stuff and we are in the middle of a hospital. But, I guess that means we are something right?

Rylee: Well Bueckers you still haven't asked me to be you girlfriend so I'm as free as a free agent in the NFL

Paige: Oh shut up, your luck your hurt. But will you Rylee Clark be my girlfriend

Rylee: Yes, Paige I would love to

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