All My Love

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15 years later

Paige: Can you see Mommy, look she's there. Wave to her

15 years have pasted since Rylee's freshman year at UConn. But those 15 years were filled with crazy adventures, lifetime opportunities and one perfect family. After Rylee's freshman year she went on to play 4 more years due to the covid rule allowing her to get her masters while playing for Geno. In that time Rylee won UConn back to back championships for 5 years a record high for the NCAA. All while dating Paige. Paige 2 years after Rylee's first year of UConn's went on to play for the Las Vegas Aces where they would win 3 championships under Paige and Rylee joining the Connecticut Suns for a year, before Paige transferred to the suns to be closer to Rylee. It was when they were together on the Connecticut Sun's that both Rylee and Paige fell more in love with each other more than ever. It was Paige who proposed to Rylee after the Sun's won a championship. While Paige still wanted to play Rylee had understood her time as a player was over after this championship. She did all that she wanted, won multiple championships on the college level and pro level, created a legacy and created a foundation to support children playing sports. Sponsoring over 50 girls basketball leagues that allowed girls to play basketball at no cost. She found the love of her life and was truly happy with everything she accomplished.

It wasn't until late in September when she got a call from Geno, who still kept in close contact with. 

Geno: Hey kid how are you doing

Rylee: It's been crazy, having 2 under 2 is not for the week plus I've got Bueckers so its really 3 kids and one adult

Geno: Tell me about it, for as long as I've know Paige she's always been a child at heart and your babies will grow out of the terrible two's well at least mine did. But I'm calling because I have news

Rylee: Coach, what is it are you ok

Geno: Oh I'm doing more than fine. Listen I've always talked about how I would do this. the truth is it's time for me to retire, settle down and spend my time with my wife in Italy. Therefore I wanted to call you and ask if you were willing to be the new head coach of UConn

Rylee: Coach are you for sure, I don't know if I can live up to your greatness

Geno: Of course you can. Let me tell you something the first time I met you I knew you were going to do great things. And you did you gave us back to back National titles for 5 years, then played pro all while giving back to the community. If any one is qualified for this job it's you. And I'll stop by to help you 

Rylee: I would love to, thank you coach, I'm honored

Geno: Great, you start next week. I'm so glad you agreed because I am in Italy on the beach right now

Rylee: ahhh retiring just like you said you would

That night at dinner:

Paige: How was today with the kids?

Rylee: Oh you know the normal Azzi crying because I wouldn't let her have her way and Kate upset because I wasn't holding her every moment

Paige: ahhhh why didn't you call, I could have came over and helped or had someone come over. You could have brought them to Coach to babysit

Rylee: About that, remember how I said I always wanted to coach a team?

Paige: Yeah

Rylee: When Coach called me up today and told me he's retiring and wants me to take over

Paige: What that's incredible. You have to take it babe it's a once in a lifetime opportunity. 

Rylee: Are you sure, I feel bad. We already don't see each other a lot when were are in season 

Paige: You forget that college basketball ends a month before we do so will always see each other and will adapt and make changes like we have done in the past. You need to live you dreams. I'm so proud of you

Rylee: Thanks baby, we'll make it work

And that's what Paige and Rylee did they made it work as Rylee was able to coach UConn for 18 more national championships and Paige was able to stay with he Connecticut Suns for 5 more years before retiring and hosting training camps and being a coach for her kids little league games. 

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