Private but not a secret

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As days went by and Rylee was finally released from the hospital after her surgery, it was the Paige who picked her up. Both Rylee and Paige decided to keep their relationship out of the public only telling close family and friends. With both of their huge fan base they thought It would be best to keep it private as they liked their secret rendezvous without the medias opinion or comments. 

the ride back from the hospital

Paige: So are you excited to be back home?

Rylee: Tell me about it. I think if I had to eat one more jello cup and lukewarm meal I would actual go insane. Plus they never let me get any sleep, always checking up on me every hour even through the night.

Paige: awwww, it ok just glad to have you back. The bed feels empty and cold without you

Rylee: Really, I'm surprised because you always steal the blankets when we sleep so how could you be cold?

Paige: Hey, I do not.  It's cold because I have no one to cuddle with. Also Nika has been waking me up at the crack of dawn to work out with her. 

Rylee: Well it's Nika what did you expect.  

Paige: Ok wait here and let me help you out

Rylee: Am I you passenger princess?

Paige: of course 

As Paige got out she texted Nika that they were coming up. What Rylee didn't know was the team planed a small welcome back party for her

Rylee: Paige why are you acting so weird, just help me out of the car. 

Paige: whattttt your Crazyyyy, I'm totally normal

Rylee: Yeah sure Bueckers, I have a fully healed collarbone both of us are lying

Paige: Whatever lets just get into the dorm

Paige carries Rylee into the door when all of her team jumps out and shouts "welcome home"

Rylee: Awwww guys thank you so much. This means so much to me

Paige: Glad you like it. We made brownies and we figured we could watch a movie

Rylee: That sounds amazing, so this is why you were acting weird in the parking lot

Paige: What can I say I suck at keeping secrets. 

As everyone settled in Paige and Rylee were sharing a couch with Rylee laying on top of Paige and Paige playing with her hair. All was right in the world. This is how it should always be just Paige and Rylee together.

First Practice back

Rylee's pov

I figured since I wasn't playing for 6 weeks and could do some physical activity, I would help the girls. So I ordered a whistle of Amazon and dressed up as Coach. As I pull up, I get into the gym  coach still wasn't there so I figured I would step in as a blew my whistle and yelled at the girls imitating Coach the girls couldn't help but laugh. I thought it would be a funny joke and get the team hyped.

Rylee: Ok girls, listen up. Last game was good but sloppy, we need to increase driving. So for that we are going to play 5 v 3.

Geno: Clark, should I put in my resignation? You clearly can do my job better than I can. You know what in fact I agree with Clark here. We will be doing shooting drills today and 5 v 3 games. As for you Clark, since you know everything you will be our student assistant Coach till you are ready to play

Rylee: Wow Coach, I guess I am coming for your job. 

Paige: Ry pass me the ball

Nika: Me too

Rylee: It's Coach to you and get your own balls. Y'all need the cardio

After practice Coach wanted to see me in his office so while everyone was taking showers and changed I headed up

Geno: Hey kid, how are you feeling

Rylee: Good, I just had another check up and the doctor said Im healing faster than he though and that I could start physical therapy in a week

Geno: That's great news, the faster we have you on the court the better. I mean what I said at practice, I want you as an assistant coach. You know the game in and out and plus you know the strength of each player on a personal level. Plus the media would love it. 

Rylee: I agree, I just got a NIL deal with ESPN to commentate on a game with UConn, I haven't answered them back because I said that I would have to ask you for permission. Do you think it would be a good Idea

Geno: Yes, you should take it. It would be good publicity for you and the rest of the team. Plus its not like you can play

Rylee: Thanks Coach, I can't wait to get back into the gym and play

Geno: Can I ask why you did it. I mean the whole coaching staff rewatched the game and it was clear that you took this for Paige

Rylee: You said, always take care of you team on and off the court. this was me protecting her. Because we both know that if she were to get injured again and bout anther season. It would wreck her. Plus you need at least one good leader and unlike me Paige has been playing with the group for two years. So it should be her. I still have 3 more years here.

Geno: You know Clark, I have always said you're a leader but this goes to show how willing you are for the team. I knew recruiting you would be the best decision I ever made. So go out there and be my assistant coach but also be the leader you are

Rylee: Thanks coach I will.

AN: hey everyone, I just want to say thank you for reading this story. If you have any suggestions or anything you would like to see take place in this story leave a comment. Also thank you for the votes and comments. I appreciate them ;)

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